Part 13: End of Volume 1

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(⚠️Disclaimer⚠️: the scenes from this chapter are not a perfect representation of that happened in the anime. I did not rewatch the scene I am simply doing this from memory)

"Where are they!?"

He says. He fell onto his knees, tears falling heavily down his face. Shinobu came up to him to comfort him, she patted his shoulder and wiped her own tears.

"We just have to carry on. We have to carry on the fight!"

"You're right, we must fight on!"

He looked up at the rest of the scabbards, and they all nodded. Momonosuke walked up to him, he clenched his fist and looked at him.

"I want to fight too!"

Everyone looked at Momonosuke with a surprise look, their young master that would cry at the smallest challenges was offering to go into this fight. This is something that couldn't happen, no matter what.

"No! I forbid it, you must not get yourself into danger."

"But I want to go with you!"

"It's too dangerous, you could get hurt."

"I have every right to fight! Same as you."

Kin'emon sighed. Momonosuke joining the battle would be risky, now that he is the only surviving hope he couldn't take that risk.

"No, if we end up not making it from his. You need to be here safe, we won't, we can't risk your safety."

"Lord Momonosuke, your the remaining hope of the Kozuki, and if you were to die..."

He stops talking for a second to wipe his tears, he stands up from the ground and looks down to his lord.

"...I don't think I would be able to face Lord Oden. So please I beg you, stay here were it's safe."

"No! I can't lose you too, I'm not going to stay."

Kin'emon sighs, he looks over at Shinobu and she nods at him. She picks up Momonosuke so he wouldn't try to break free and go with them. Momonosuke cried and shakes his head, he didn't want to let them go he couldn't lose the people he held dear to him again.

"No let go!"

The scabbards bowed one last time then climbed aboard the small boat and starts to sail away. They looked at each other, without saying a word they knew what they had to do. They had already sailed halfway to center when they heard screaming. It was Momonosuke in.. Kanjiro's hand? They looked over to them and saw Kanjiro, in confusion they all yelled.


"Two Kanjiro's? How is that possible?"

Kanjiro snickered, and his snicker turned into a full blown laugh. He looked at them with cold eyes.

"Hahaha! This was too easy"

"You think you can defeat Kaido?"

He laughs again.

"You all are fools."

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