The Kings New Queen

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31 May, 1536

It was the day after Jane Seymour and the Kings new marriage. Poor Alice was still mourning her mother. Yes, sometimes Her mother, Anne Boleyn could be rude she was an amazing mother to her and her younger sister Elizabeth. She was beheaded for being accused of cheating on the King and incest. Henry (the king) had taken every inch of Anne away from Alice and Elizabeth. All of her portraits and belongings, she wasn't even allowed to speak about her mother! It had only been 12 days since Annes execution. Alice woke up to her ladies getting ready her clothing for the day. They all looked at her and smiled as Alice's tired face slowly adjusted to the morning light. "Good morning Princess Alice" they all vowed as they said that happily. "Good morning" Alice replied back with a warm smile. They told her about the King wanting to talk to her and her half sister, Princess Mary Tudor. "Oh? Well I better hurry, I don't want his majesty to be waiting". Her Ladies helped her clean up then get ready for her meeting. Soon, she was ready and was leaving her chambers for the king. Her ladies trampled behind her as passers by bowed and mumbled all sorts of labels to her according to her princess title.

Finally, she reached the king. Mary was already there showing grace and anger at the same time. "Your majesty" Alice spoke as she curtsied to her Father than to her sister. "Hello my daughter. I have news for you both. Well I got impatient and told Mary first". Alice glanced over to Mary who was clearly fuming, her face even having a red tint. "You and your sisters titles as Princesses are being removed. So will Elizabeth's, but, what is a two year old going to reply to that." He chuckled at his own "joke". "May I speak freely your grace?". "Yes Alice".
She paused for a moment trying to contain the feeling of anger and sadness running over brain. "Why in the name of the lord shall me and my sisters be stripped of our titles!? Our mothers were legitimate Queens and shall NOT be thrown to the side!" Henry silenced her and continued. "I needn't to explain. Just let your ladies pack your stuff so you can BOTH move to a ladies chamber. You will both be knows as "Lady" and serve your new queen, Jane. All of your Princess entitlements will be taken away but of course as both of your fathers, you will still have your rights to me". Mary had enough she screamed In Henry's face and ran out. Alice, stood there, Still processing the Kings decision

Thankyou for reading my story so far!
This is my first Wattpad so it's probably won't be the best!😅
Make sure to have a amazing rest of the day!


A Tudor Princess, Alice TudorWhere stories live. Discover now