Chapter Ten: Lucas

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 I did not get a lot of sleep last night. Our kiss kept replaying in my mind. This girl has my stomach in knots, I have it bad for Maddie. My feelings are growing for her every day. I know I want this. Me, and her forever.

Mom and Grayson were right, love happens. There is no time limit, sometimes you just know when it is right. I know I could not live without her or her kids. They are a big part of my life now, and I would not have it any other way.

It is five in the morning, and I am waiting for Maddie's text. I cannot wait to see them. They make my days better, brighter even. The kids are so full of life and happiness. Maddie is slowly breaking out of her shell; she is getting better.

I am proud of her, everything she has been through, and she is still fighting. Some people would have already given up, but not my girl. My girl, I like the sound of that. Hopefully, it will be true soon.

I have wasted enough time; I need to get out of bed and start my morning chores. I want to get them done before school starts. Feeding and checking the fences will have to be done before I leave. Good thing we take turns cleaning the stalls since all the horses are in one place, behind my house. It would take me hours with just that one job.

After getting ready for the day, I headed into the kitchen for coffee and a fast breakfast. I got the machine ready and started it. Getting a bowl and my favorite cereal from the cabinet. Sitting them down on the table and went for the milk from the fridge. Sitting at my lonely table looking around at the empty chairs while eating Luck Charms. This house feels so empty with only me here. I am missing Maddie and the kids; it is too quiet in this house without them.

I want them here all the time. I want them to move in here with me. I get a lost feeling inside me when she is not around. I would go to the end of the world for her, I would take a bullet for her. This is all a new feeling for me.

I finished my breakfast and washed my lonesome bowel and spoon. I filled my cup with coffee and tightened the lid on. Heading for the back door to go feed animals. Waiting for Maddie's text will hopefully help me get motivated to get through till she does.


"Lucas!" Sofia yelled when she opened the front door. Seeing Noah and Emma in the small living room. There was only enough room for a couch and television. There were no pictures on the walls that I could see. It does not look like a family lives here.

"You ready for school?" I asked her, moving my eyes back to the little blonde girl. In her princess dress and small heels, she looks just like a real princess.

"Yes, but I don't want to go." she replied, rocking back and forth on the heels of her feet.

"I am sure it will go by fast."

"Mom is in the kitchen, come on." She told me, pulling me in the direction of the kitchen.

"Lead the way." I said, hearing a raised voice coming from the kitchen. They sound upset, over what I have no idea.

"Are you going to let her open the door for strangers? Have I not taught you anything." I overhead a woman's voice I did not recognize. It must be Maddie's mom.

"I knew he was coming. He messaged me that he was here, so I let Sofia open the door. It is not a big deal." I heard Maddie reply, before we got to the entrance. I can understand why she needed to get away from here last night.

"And what are you doing with this guy?" she questioned her daughter. I believe that is none of her concern. This is between me and Maddie, no one else.

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