Chapter Thirteen: Madison

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 It has been a week since I told Lucas that I would move in with him. I have not had the energy or the time to move. I have been on night shift this week and thankfully tonight is the last one. Bella is on the morning shift while her parents are on a week vacation, the first one they had in years. I was all for them taking it, you could see the love they share in their eyes. I want that kind of love.

Everything has been going well this week. Lucas and I spend a lot of time together and the kids stay with Lucas and his family while I am working. We have been spending every night at his house. One of his brothers watches the children while he picks me up.

I know why he is doing all this for me, he cares and wants to keep us safe. I have not heard or seen from Ethan, but that does not mean that he is not hiding somewhere close. I hate having to always look over my shoulder. I want to be free of this. Free of him.

My shift has been moving fast, soon Lucas will be here with the kids. I love how he makes sure that I get to see them before they go to bed. I have fallen for this cowboy.

The way he treats me and the kids with love and care. I never had anyone who looks at me the way Lucas does. Whenever we are in the same room, I always feel his eyes on me, and I love how it makes me feel. I feel wanted, loved, and I never want to lose this feeling with him.

I know we have not said the L word yet, but I can feel it. All around us, closer together. He was made for me, and I believe that I was made for him. Like a missing piece of my heart has been found and he is the one holding it. I do not want it back either. I want him to keep it safe for me.

It is hard to be away from him, my heart hurts every time we are a part. I do not feel calm or safe when he is not around. That man has become part of my world, my rock, and I fear him walking away from me.

He can do so much better than a single mother with three kids. He deserves to be with someone who can give him kids of his own. Not some broke down woman with a past. Not someone that everyone eventually leaves.

I want this to be real, I do not want to wake up from this dream. I know that nothing ever goes my way. I know I am not the person who gets ever after, but I want it so bad I can feel it. I do not want what we have to ever end, but I know that things do not work like that for me. He will see that he is better off without me, and leave.

There goes my mind again. Overthinking and second guessing everything. I wish I could just shut it off at times, it is always racing with thoughts. Most of the time they are never good, always lingering there.

My phone vibrating on the counter got my attention. Pushing the negative thoughts to the back of my mind. Hoping to hear from Lucas. Walking over to my phone with a real smile playing on my lips, I picked it up, and opened the message. The smile falling from my face, my body started to tremble.

It was not what I was expecting to see. It was a picture of me and Lucas sitting inside his truck parked outside of The Store today. One of us kissing, my heart sinks in my chest. Taking away our privacy and stoking us. I do not understand how people can do stuff like this.

I almost forgot all about Ethan's threats. Why can't he leave me alone? Not responding to the message, I kept my eyes locked on the screen. Praying for all of this to be a horrible nightmare. Nope, I have no luck, whatsoever. Another text popping up under the picture.

*Lucas Ford, right? You think he really wants you? You will never be his, you are mine. I will have you and you will pay for everything that you put me through. *

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