Chapter.39 Season 5 Ep 1 Nora

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Back Where We Left Off Last Chapter.

Nora: Hi Handsome

Jacen: Ohh Fuck

Teresa just smirk at her Nephew

Wait a minute she's the one
who was in his vision
when he told me and may

It all makes sense now
for my baby spider
If this is the right person for him

She's Beautiful For My Grandson

Back to the conversation:

Jacen: Uhh Barry

Barry: Yeah

Jacen: Why is this stranger in this house

Then Jacen picks up his
big belly burger drink
when Iris said this

Iris: She's our daughter from the future

Then Jacen nearly choke
on his drink when Iris said that

Jacen: Huh are you sure

Iris: Positive

Jacen: Well Thank You for that
I nearly choked on my drink

Iris: Well That's Not Good

Jacen: Wait a minute
You the one from the church
That I met that day

Nora: Yes I am

Jacen: I have saved your life once

When Jacen was eating
his burger when Nora said this

Nora: Actually you
saved me three times as you and
as the spectacular Spider-Man

Jacen once again nearly choked
on his burger because of that

Jacen then walk towards nora

Jacen: How do you know my name
And my identity as Spider-Man.

Nora: Well, in the future
You became an inspiration for all of us
I found out you were a detective
Well, your hero life as Spider-Man
I managed to piece all of them together
That you are Spider-Man

Jacen: Well
that was impressive and strange
And very beautiful such as yourself
Managed to figure it out on your own

Nora Blush At His Comment About Her

Oh God I made her blush
in front of my friends and
her family and mine as well
Holy Fuck I didn't mean to say that

Oh Schway
He is a good looking guy
And he looks so cute
I really want to tell him
why I want to meet him
but time will wait for that

Barry: this big mistake that you made

Nora: Big Mistake

Iris: which was

Nora: helping you saving the city by destroying Star Labs Satellite Last Night

Barry: You're The Other Speedster

Teresa: Wow She's a speedster
like you Barry

Barry: Well yeah make sense

Nora: I couldn't stop myself getting involved but something happened
when I did because now I can't go
fast enough to open up the speed force

Ralph: Pardon Pardon Me
Are we actually talking
about time travel here

Cisco: Have you just not been pay attention when we do our briefings

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