11 March 2024

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Dear Diary,
Today was a normal day but it just felt off... I think because my gf and sister/brother were both sick. But yeah, I still have math and musik homework but I have my next music lesson next week and math isn't tommrow but wednesday again so I have time. Oh right I almost forgot! I have detention on Thursday because of my homework but yeah atleast on Thursday school ends one hour early and my sibbling will also have detention with me so it isn't that bad just faking the signatur wasn't that easy but teachers are blind. But yeah I kinda feel even more depressed and stressed about becoming an adult and having to PayPal bills etc. but I've been saving money for years to make sure I can leave this hell holle as soon as I turn 18. But I still have a couple years before I'm offially 18. But that is all see you tommorow!!!

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