chapter 1: the egg of Queen Wasp,

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15 years ago.

It was a brightly lit day over Pantala. When a horde of hivewings from the other various hives were summoned to the Queen's throne room in wasp hive, when all were assembled, Queen Wasp revealed to them a egg extremely close to hatching. It was rocking back and forth, the light was showing a hivewing inside of it trying to burst out, and the Queen's sisters the ladies of the hives, watched in awe. Was this the secret surprise Queen Wasp had been speaking about?

Queen Wasp had been very secretive about something personal over the past many months so perhaps the egg was her secret,

After a few moments of observing the egg, It burst, sending shards of the egg shell all over the throne room. As a new-hatched hivewing was born, Wasp's daughter, the Queen, was already pleased with how she looked. A beautiful yellowish orange compared to her mother, she carried the same eyes but was red. Wasp came closer to her dragonet as she seemed to recognize her mother immediately.

"She seems like a very healthy dragonet, my queen. It's entirely clear she's yours with how the both of you look alike," said one of Wasp's Royal Guards as the Queen picked up her daughter, cradling the dragonet on her arms.

"And she shall be named Vespa of the wasp hive." Queen Wasp smiled down at the new hatchling. who had a tightly bonded love for her mother already from hatching,

"We shall prepare feeding for the young princess, your majesty. Hail the Queen, hail the Princess!" The guards marched out of the throne room, leaving only Queen Wasp and her sisters to take in the sight of Vespa.

Vespa took in the sight of seeing her aunts. probably even learning from them in the future years to come.

Later the same evening, after feeding, Queen Wasp placed a sleepy Vespa on a silk bed made especially for her by silkwing servants.

Queen Wasp Put a silk blanket over Vespa's body and brush her little head gently. "Good night, Vespa. Tomorrow there is much for you to see," Queen Wasp whispered as she lay beside the bed. feeling happiness filling her soul watching over this sleeping dragonet, who was her own daughter,

Queen Wasp slept right beside her dragonet during the night. Queen Wasp felt something bump her and open her eyes to witness her dragonet had climbed out of her bed to be under Queen Wasp's wing instead of her silk bed.

Queen Wasp nuzzled her and went back to sleep with Vespa under her wing. But a few moments before falling away, Queen Wasp said in a sleepy voice, "I love you, Vespa, my dearest daughter." Vespa had heard her but couldn't say anything back; she just made an affectionate noise to her mother before falling asleep too.

In the morning, Queen Wasp was already awake, looking over at Vespa, who was just waking up the queen. had her duties to do, but she also had a dragonet. Now Vespa did come along to whatever Queen Wasp had to do.

Out on the savanna, Queen Wasp took down prey for herself, and Vespa teaching her how hunting worked. just by that, but proper teaching would probably be advised.

While out on the savanna, Vespa put her tiny talon in a talon print of Queen Wasp's talon. Seeing the big size difference, Queen Wasp smiled proudly at her doing that but immediately snapped her vision to something behind Vespa.

Queen Wasp saw with horror that a lion was moving at high speed towards Vespa. and without hesitation, Queen Wasp jumped at it, before it reached Vespa slicing at it face and beating its sides and face with her wings and tail before stinging it with her venom paralyzing it and tore out its throat for even daring to see her daughter as potential prey,

"No one harms my Vespa!" Queen Wasp said after killing the lion so swiftly turning to Vespa to make sure she was alright,

Vespa seem so impressed by her mother's strength. and protection even without any hivewing soldiers here. With them, Queen Wasp proved to her daughter that she was always safe with her.

The two hivewing royals soon enough returned to the hive. Where Queen Wasp introduced Vespa to the hive's main working force, the silkwings,

Vespa got a view of what they did and how the relationship between them and the hivewings worked. Vespa seemed bedazzled by them and their pretty, colorful wings.

"These are the silkwings, Vespa. the hive's main working force, and we are their rulers; you and I we protect them. and they keep making us silk and being useful. but I think that's good for today. I think you will like our next stop." As Queen Wasp stopped talking, Vespa fluttered her wings to glide onto her mother's back as they continued into a place Vespa hadn't seen yet: the market place.

Queen Wasp took her daughter to a shop called the Sugar Dream. The shopkeeper met his Queen's eyes with both delight and fear.

"Your majesty! Welcome, how may I be of service?" The shopkeeper said as Queen Wasp cleared her throat, "We are here for your finest treats, that is, if you have any left." Wasp's eyes narrowed at him.

"Wait we? You with someone here?" Queen Wasp moved her wings aside. and show the young Princess Vespa on her back, "Oh yes, the young Princess. Sorry, my Queen, I didn't expect you to come here with her." The shopkeeper got to the back to try and find the finest treat for them both and to avoid his Queen's piercing gaze.

Queen Wasp turned her head back to look at Vespa. who gave an adorable yawn, laying her head down on her talons resting on her mother's back. Queen Wasp moved her wings to cover Vespa like a blanket of wings.

"Your my special little honey drop," Queen Wasp said as Vespa softly fell asleep while the shopkeeper looked for their treats while Queen Wasp waited.

The shopkeeper returned with their treats, somewhat shanking at the gaze Queen Wasp gave him, "That certainly took long for you to find." The shopkeeper put the treats on the desk and slowly back away.

Queen Wasp turned  her head back to Vespa, and poked her gently with one of her wings, and spoke gently. "Vespa, wake up, mother, have a treat for you." Vespa slowly woke, yawning even more adorably and meeting her mother's eyes.

"Here you go, Vespa. Have a taste." Queen Wasp handed her a sweet shaped like a silkwing in a victory pose. Vespa took it in her tiny talons and chomped down on it, taking a big bite out of it.

Vespa made a happy little growl; it seems like Vespa did like it. Queen Wasp didn't have to pay the shopkeeper. but gave him her compliments for a sweet treat for her daughter and left the Sugar Dream with Vespa on her back still.

Queen Wasp bought a scroll from a hivewing merchant and brought it back to the royal chambers to read for Vespa as the sun was setting.

"Vespa, dear, you would like a story, wouldn't you, my special little honey drop?" Queen Wasp asked her daughter as Vespa nodded and bounced over to her mother. With one of her mother's large wings covering her,

Queen Wasp unrolled the scroll and began reading it to Vespa about a great hivewing hero called King Goliath, who was said to be as strong as 20 hivewings combined.

Vespa loved the story, especially how King Goliath was able to break an entire front line of defending leafwings all by himself.

Vespa really liked the story of King Goliath, the hivewing hero. But her real hero was her mother. At the end of the story, Vespa rubs her head against Queen Wasp's side as the Queen looks at her with a smile.

"Guess it's close to bedtime for you, Vespa, and no worries, mommy will be right here with you." Queen Wasp said, reassuringly running her talon from Vespa's head down her back,

Vespa got to her mother's bed as Queen Wasp looked at her. "Aww, Vespa, you want to sleep with me again?" Vespa nodded rapidly, running to grab her silk blanket. and back on the bed as Queen Wasp lied down next to her,

"Vespa" Vespa looked up at her mother with sleepy eyes. "You're mommy's special little honey drop. I love you, Vespa. Good night." Queen Wasp as she kissed her forehead and lies her head down with her arm and wing over Vespa. As the dragonet inched as close as she could to her mother,

She slowly drifted off into sleep—the last thing Vespa saw before. Sleeping were her mother's black eyes full of love for Vespa Queen Wasp's special little honey drop.

Vespa was always the happiest with her mother, and she never wanted it to end, and it never would.

To be continued,

The daughter of the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now