chapter 5: a leafy danger looms

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"Wasp, we must have it removed from the greenhouses; it's unsafe for both you and Vespa; we can't risk it." King Goliath said to his wife, Queen Wasp, they seemed to be talking about a certain troublesome plant in the royal greenhouses. Queen Wasp looked at her husband; she knew he spoke the truth about it.

"It's pure poison, my love. You are right. It should be removed and destroyed. Let's send someone from the royal guards to do the containment and destruction. We must do what's best for our future and for our princess," Queen Wasp said as both of them smiled, looking over at a sleeping Vespa tired from a day of playing with her dad in the mosaic garden.

The very next morning, royal guards were dispatched to remove the plant the King and Queen wished to remove. The royal guards weren't Vespa's swarm guards; they were just regular royal guards instead of elites since the elites entire job was to protect the royal family, not perform small errands like plant removal.

The royal family ate breakfast when elite guards entered the room, bringing the news of the plants removal. "Your Majesty, the task is complete. The guards have removed the plant from the royal greenhouses. It's being carefully eliminated as we speak now. You know, I do not question the decision of my rulers, but why the sudden removal?" He asked it was Dragonfly, one of Vespa's newest elites.

"Dragonfly, it was very important those plants were removed; they pose a danger to my daughter and to us too. Of course, thanks for the report; you are dismissed," Queen Wasp said as Vespa waved bye to her elite as he left with a bow of his head, returning to his duty.

The plants were removed from the royal greenhouses, each one destroyed by a genius hivewing known as Dr. Greenclaw, who also happened to be the head of the gardeners of the royal family's plants. He knew how to dispose of the dangerous plants safely, being very knowledgeable about the plant itself. He served the royal family directly; any order from them was law to him, but serving them was a pleasure.

Dr. Greenclaw often had samples of plants tested by his assistant, but this one was marked as too dangerous for testing. A curious silkwing overheard Dr. Greenclaw speaking with his assistant, "Dr. Greenclaw. I just don't quite understand why the careful handling of this one plant never seen you so focused before," she said, pointing out how he was holding vines of this one plant between the tips of his claws making no scale contact with it,

Dr. Greenclaw wore a mask on his snout as he put the vine into a vat of boiling hivewing venom and quickly closed the lid on it, watching the vine designate into nothing and writing down as he finally gave his attention to the assistant removing his mask.

"I'll tell you again, Chrysalis this plant is no mere product of nature; it has. I don't know a mission to ensnare us, taking our minds away. It's how I lost my last assistant; he was dumb enough to test it. Poor poor Blowfly, I had to end his life myself, as it was my responsibility for my carelessness. Please don't make the same mistake, Chrysalis." Dr. Greenclaw said as Chrysalis nodded and returned to assist the work they had with the breath of evil's removal and destruction,

Dr. Greenclaw yawned. As an hour later, there were still a lot of vines left, but quite a few of them were destroyed. They called it a day and reported back to the Queen. Chrysalis took Dr. Greenclaw's notes as they went on their way. The silkwing ran after what she witnessed and heard.

Queen Wasp and King Goliath were alone, as Vespa was with Lady Jewel right now. They were going over issues in the hive and a couple of complaints as they saw Dr. Greenclaw and Chrysalis enter the throne room as they bow Chrysalis deeper then Dr. Greenclaw due to Dr. Greenclaw's old age.

"Be well, Dr. Greenclaw and Chrysalis. Were you successful in finding a way to break the vines?" Queen Wasp asked as Chrysalis handed the notes to Dr. Greenclaw, "Yes, your majesty, we did after Blowfly's death. I noticed something: a dragon who is infected speaks not in their own voice but in the voice of another someone who wishes to either destroy us or control us, whichever comes first. However, I was indeed successful in finding a way to destroy the plant by boiling hivewing venom. Sadly, my own venom isn't strong enough, but Chrysalis's is. We work as quick as we can, but Chrysalis only has so much venom in her tail." Dr. Greenclaw said as he spoke kindly about his assistant that after what happened to Blowfly, it had left a scar on his heart and mind.

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