chapter 3: the day of a princess, a queen and a king

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The hive princess and the hive queen woke up the next morning. quite early as a booming thunderstorm was raging outside,

The hivewing soldiers outside were hurrying their own. and the silkwings inside the hive to shelter from the storm,

Vespa Yelp hid under her mother's wings on the bed, very clearly afraid of the storm. Outside, Queen Wasp was trying her best to comfort her daughter from her new-found fears.

"There there Vespa. There's nothing to be afraid of; it's just a small storm. It will pass with time." Queen Wasp said, brushing Vespa's back and trying to comfort the young hive princess. It did somewhat seem to work.

Veapa looked over from the bed to the window, and the rain was still pouring onto the glass. and the bright flashes of lightning were there too; Vespa still covered her ears when the thundering boom came.

"Mother, can you tell me a story?" Vespa said as she leans her head on her mother's chest, hearing the beats of her heart.

"Certainly Vespa. Once upon a time, there was a young hivewing princess as beautiful as the sun. But she was very afraid of thunderstorms, but she had a very supportive mother to help her through the fears. and see thunderstorms not as something scary but something to overcome, and perhaps one day aid her," Queen Wasp began telling Vespa the story. As the princess listens to the entire tale as the storm slowly subsided by the end of the story,

"Look, my sweet honey, drop its over." Queen Wasp said, smiling, pointing Vespa's attention to the window. where the sun was now shining through the window. The little princess rushed to the window. Look down at everything, now wet but shining with the sunlight hitting it.

"Mother look!" Vespa said she seemed pretty excited. as Queen Wasp Got off the bed and came to the window to see what Vespa was on about. and she saw why she was so happy. It was a tall gold and red hivewing Vespa's father, the hive king Goliath. "Vespa I have an idea how about we spend the day with your father. giving him a free day from duties too?" Queen Wasp suggested that as Vespa hopped happily, nearly taking flight in the bedroom,

"That's an amazing idea, mother! I think my father would appreciate it too! He works so hard every single day to keep us safe," Vespa said, as it was true that King Goliath was the hives best defender. Any and all attackers had been defeated or captured before they could even set foot in the hives.

Queen Wasp sent a soldier to deliver the message to King Goliath. He went to the royal chamber right away, "You called Queen Wasp my sweet darling." Goliath said as he walked over, kissing his mate's talon lovingly,

"I did Goliath. I and Vespa had the wonderful idea to have all three of us get a free day. free from duties. I'm sure you'd appreciate that too, my love," Queen Wasp said as Vespa jumped up on King Goliath's back he looked back at her happiness in his eyes.

"Thank you both. We will have a great day together, and I can guarantee that. Where should we go then?" King Goliath said Vespa was putting a pretty big crown on his head. King Goliath didn't wear it often, but he was very fond of the crown.

"I say we let Vespa pick." Queen Wasp said as Vespa hopped down from her father's back. "In that case, maybe we could spend a picnic in the mosaic gardens! then shop in the bazaar!" Vespa said excitedly as Queen Wasp and King Goliath agreed their tails were intertwined.

The royal family departed for the mosaic gardens with picnic equipment and everything. A few soldiers were willing to help carry it, or rather, they were more then happy to help.

The helping soldiers set everything up since it was the family's time for relaxation. They shouldn't have to work. "Everything is ready, your majesties. Please enjoy your relaxing time together," the soldiers said as they took their leave. The picnic blanket was a bit large, given King Goliath's size. He and Queen Wasp lied down on the blanket as Vespa bounced to them. happiest hivewing they had ever seen, and she was their own dragonet.

Queen Wasp leaned into King Goliath as he puts both a wing and an arm around her shoulder. watching Vespa be the happiest she had ever been. King Goliath went on to tell stories about great hivewing heroes a small hour later.

Vespa lied with her mother and father. With herself in the middle of them, they were the royal family, beloved by the hives. But honestly, Vespa was just happy to have both her mother and father together for a day or two since their royal duties required them to be apart most of the time.

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