The Losers Always Fall...(Part 2)

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Yes, it's part two time.

Vox's eyes blinked open sluggishly. Fluorescent lights flushed the room he was in, rendering him practically blind as he tried to grasp his surroundings. After several minutes of furious blinking he finally managed to get a clear image. 

He was lying in a bed, his head slightly propped up with a pillow, in a room that was completely white. That explained why it was so bright. Everything was so white that the horrible lights above reflected on it all.

Vox strained to pull himself up, sitting his back against the bedframe. He turned his head and looked around at the rest of the room. It wasn't large but the room itself was bigger than your average hospital room.

Hospital room.

Memories rushed into Vox's core and his eyes widened. He whipped his head around to the side to see a sleeping Valentino curled up on a small cot. He threw the blanket off and stepped out of bed quickly, eager to get to his boyfriend's side.

The world tilted as Vox grabbed out with his arms to grip the edge of the bed. His legs had given out underneath him as soon as he'd gotten up. Slowly but surely he worked his way into a standing position.

As he did, Vox noticed the coils of white bandages that twisted up his lower arms, the center tinted slightly pink where he could only assume were his scars. Vox turned and stood near Valentino examining himself while deciding what to do.

Suddenly, Velvette walked into the room carrying two coffee cups and her phone, which she swiped at as she walked. She looked up briefly before returning to her phone. Only for a moment though.

Velvette's head shot up as the coffee and phone slipped from her grasp landing with a clatter and a wet noise as they collided with the black and white vinyl. Her eyes were wide as she stared quietly at Vox for several moments. Her breathing seemed to have halted, her entire being frozen, as if it had forgotten the concept of motion.

"Vox..." His name tumbled from her lips so quiet they were almost imperceptible.


And then she was moving. Velvette sprang forward and enveloped him in a hug as tears tumbled down her cheeks. Vox's body ached as the smaller demon's pressed against it, causing him to tumble backwards onto the bed. He wrapped his arms gently around her, careful not to press the bandaged wounds.

'Don't that to me again!" Velvette spoke in between sniffles. Her chest shook as she sobbed into his shoulder.

It was now that Vox lifted his gaze to where Val had been sleeping. The moth was sitting bolt up, his face pale with shock. As Velvette pulled back Valentino stood quietly. He walked slowly up to Vox, reaching out a hand as if to feel if he were truly there.

"Vox...?" He whispered.

Vox closed his hands around Val's and pressed it to his face gently. 

"Hey Val." 

Valentino's eyes watered and he sank to his knees infront of the TV demon. Pressing his head in Vox's lap as he sobbed, the broken noises shattering the quiet air in the room. 

"I thought you were gone." Val's voice was quiet as he spoke, his hands moving around Vox's upper body and legs, feeling every inch of his boyfriend's familiar body. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so, SO sorry..."  Vox's heart shook at the words.

Velvette came up behind Val and pulled him up, a practiced, singular motion that had Vox wondering how many times she'd done it. She wrapped an arm around his waist and buried her face in his side while using her free hand to beckon Vox forward. 

Vox rose to join them but fell short when his knees took the opportunity to give out, letting him drop to to the floor. However, before he could smack into the hard floor, two pairs of strong arms covered him and pulled him back up. Val's body fell back onto the cot from before and he dragged Vox with him. Vox's body instinctively curled his limbs close to his core and he ended up in a sort of loose fetal position.

When Valentino's wings came down over his back, Vox relaxed into the familiar touch and looked up at his boyfriend. Val had this protective look that he'd rarely ever seen on the moth, and it was sweet. It made him feel safe.

"Voxxy." Val crooned out Vox's nickname softly.

Vox's heart broke at how sad it sounded, and he wrapped his arms around the moth's waist. He had so many feelings he needed to dish out but he could feel sleep nagging at his mind. He wasn't given much of a choice as the sleep dragged him down into a comfortable nest of dark. Curled in Val's lap he felt safer than he'd ever felt and let his body shut off quietly.

{So I feel like I'm definitely gonna need to do a part 3 but I moved them around a lot in that scene so it felt too repetitive. Thank you for reading and I'm sorry this took so long to update. Kisses darlings <3}

Word Count: 842

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