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FYI, the outfit I'm going for is the one he wore in episode six. If you don't remember that, then go look it up. 

NSFW Warning!

Vox woke with a start as loud smashes echoed from the other room. Stumbling out of bed, he fumbled for his robe and slipped it over his bare body. He tugged open the bedroom door and padded down the hallway.

Val was in the living room, hurling everything in his path against the wall. Vases and cups hurtled toward the paneled surface and shattered against the gilt blue walls. His wings were pushed into a cropped coat that ended just above his second set of arms, and he wore a tight black dress underneath. A cut out of moth wings sat on his chest, letting some of that soft chest fluff poke through, making Vox smile briefly.

Knee-high, black boots covered the fishnets that accented the moth's long and curvy legs. Val's wings fluttered aggressively, practically vibrating in his rage. Vox's eyes darted to the clock on the wall quickly before he looked back at his explosive boyfriend—three in the morning. 


"Hey Flutterby... Are you alright?" Vox asked as he approached the other overlord tentatively.

Valentino snarled as he whipped around, knife in hand, ready to lash out at whoever was behind him. Vox flinched as the knife stopped half an inch from his throat. Val's face softened quickly, and the knife fell to the floor. His eyes drooped, and a single tear fell from his big pink eyes.

"Woah...Hey, Val. It's okay, come here..." Vox said quietly, his eyes darting around.

Val relented and wrapped his arms around the TV demon as he collapsed onto the couch behind him. Taking several deep breaths, the moth looked at Vox, who had a concerned look on his face.

"Heh...I'm sorry, babe. I just had a tough night at the club...That bitch Angel Dust thinks he can fucking embarrass me like that? He's gonna regret that tomorrow..." Val said angrily into Vox's shoulder.

"Uhm. What did he do? I haven't seen you this worked up about him in a long time."

"Brought his little whore friends with him. I was just talking to him and he just started bad-mouthing me. The audacity!" Val huffed.

Vox pushed back and looked his boyfriend up and down.

"Well is it that big of a deal? You still own him and can make him pay for it. C'mon Flutterby, it's not that bad."  He said as he cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I guess... I'm not even that mad about it." Valentino relented quietly.

"Then what's got you so worked up, baby?" Vox lifted Val's chin.

"Well...I don't know! I just...I was really pissed and I got worked up, and now, for some reason, I'm really horny!" Val whined.

"Oh. Well, I'm not sure what I can do about you being pissed, but...I think I can help you with that last bit~" A wide grin spread across Vox's screen as he leaned closer and kissed the moth sweetly.

He cupped Val's cheeks and straddled the moth without breaking the kiss. Valentino's bottom set of arms moved lower, and his hands gripped Vox's ass. The TV demon grinned playfully and bit Val's lip gently. Their tongues danced together as Vox pulled his weight to push them down, their bodies flat against the couch cushions.

Valentino grunted on impact and leaned himself up to deepen the kiss. However, Vox pulled back to move down to Val's neck, quickly biting down on the sensitive skin there. Val cried out, his body going slack as Vox pried his teeth out and proceeded to press gentle kisses on the exposed skin. 

Waves of pleasure washed through Val, flooding his mind and tossing him around like a rogue ocean current, as he let out a moan followed by two lustful chirps. They had barely even started, but Valentino's eyes rolled back into his head and his jaw was dropped. His wings lay askew behind him, the cerise hearts billowing and whirling in tantalizing patterns against the beguiling carmine background.

Vox slid his hands underneath Val's close-fitting dress and slipped it over his hips, discarding it onto the tiled floor nearby. His pinstripe coat and once crisp, white shirt found their way to the floor to join the black heap already there. The moth looked up at him with a desperate look on his face as he let out a breathy whimper.

Vox fumbled with his pants and tossed them somewhere, out of sight, in the room. He leaned down and kissed his boyfriend sweetly, pouring out every ounce of devotion and affection he had for the moth, as he stroked Val's face. 

Vox snapped his fingers and the shades on the floor-to-ceiling windows rolled closed, drowning out the hungry red light of hell and giving way to the atmospheric pink lights that adorned the walls in the penthouse.

The TV demon's eyes strayed back down to the sight in front of him. Val was splayed out below him in a vulnerable state Vox knew he would never show to anyone else. Vox let out a breathy laugh and leaned down to whisper in his boyfriend's ear.

"God Val. You don't know what you do to me." His voice was rough and husky with desire.

A shiver ran visibly through his boyfriend, who let out several chirps. Vox laughed at the look on Valentino's face and cupped one cheek. Val clearly didn't have the energy to finish what he'd asked for so Vox got off him and pulled the moth's body with him. He twirled around with Val like they were dancing down the hall and the two shared a loving smile. 

An eerie force that resembled a drunken stupor pulled them around and they dipped together in a long hallway lined with large windows. The moon had risen and cast the familiar white silver glow through the panes. It was beautiful and the two paused mid-dip as they were bathed in pale light. 

Vox stopped, his heart thrumming up from his chest and into his throat, and kissed Val in the ethereal light of the moon. In that moment, his mind projected the hundreds of memories Vox had with Val, every laugh and every fight, every breakdown and every single moment of adoration. Valentino clung to Vox, their bodies pressed together, as he stared out at the large pearlescent moon that hung in the skies of Hell.

The moth was drawn to the moon and he extracted himself from Vox's arms and pressed his hands to the glass, his eyes widening. Vox smiled affectionately and wrapped his arms around Val's waist, pressing his body against the other overlord's. The two shared a smile and walked to their bedroom to get some sleep.

{Alright everyone, thank you for being so patient and I'm sorry this is so incomplete. I had a really hard time finishing this and it's been like five days since I last posted. I'm going to be dedicating more attention to the sequel to my book which I've promised to you all. I hope to see you there. Kisses darlings~}

Word Count: 1172

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