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" Girl please, what I look like going to a concert. You know my mama don't even play with me like that." Seventeen year old Solana spoke up as she wiped the counters down.

"Cmon nana, you never do nothing at all. Even GrannyLu is asking you to go." Seventeen year old Sage smacked her teeth as she handed Ms. Louise her plate of fruits. Ms. Louise smiled as she looked at the two girls who stood in her kitchen.

"Nan I love you sweets. Just go it can't be that bad. If your heffa ass mama call I'll just say your asleep." Ms.Louise shrugged and Solana laughed.

" GrannyLu, I don't want you to lie for me, I just simply won't go. Plus I still have work to do. I have to clean your room and the bathroom." Solana smiled fixing her hair that was in a messy bun.

"Come here nan." Ms.Louise replied slowly licking her ashy lips. Solana nodded walking over bending down a little. Ms.Louise grabbed a new paper and smacked Solana with it softly.

" If I have to tell you again, it w-won't be nice!" She said making Sage laugh.

"Im sorry." She nodded and Sage smiled. Solana looked over at Sage running her teeth over her light blue braces. She stood up and walked back into the kitchen. " Okay, I'll gone help me find an outfit one I get paid." Sage nodded watching Solana walk into the room that she had in Ms.Louise home.

Ms.Louise was really rich, but her family barely talked to her and they moved away once Ms.Louise got sick because they thought she wouldn't be able to keep up with her business.

Ms.Louise had met Solana and Sage at the bus stop, Solana and Sage were god-sisters. Solana's dad died and her mother took her anger out on her. So mostly she was with Sage.

Solana had seen that Ms.Louise had dropped two hundred dollars on the ground and her and Sage practically chased Ms.Louise car down to give her the money back. Once they did. They had sat with Ms.Louise since she had thanked the girls and took them to dinner. They told her the story's and ever since then. Ms.Louise had basically treated them like they were her grandkids. She loved them a lot and provided them with everything they needed.

They met when Solana and Sage were 15, they are now 17 & Ms.Louise had given them a job to take care of her which she pays them 1200 every two weeks. It was just bonding time they always spend time together. Ms.Louise took them on trips, girl dates everything in the world.

Sage and her mother had a bad relationship because of the fact Her mother wanted Solana to be her daughter more than Sage. Vise versa with Solana. At one point they tried to switch and both Solana and Sage ran away.

" Okay, pay check tomorrow, we can walk to the mall after school." Sage shrugged and Solana nodded as she scrolled on her iPhone 8 plus watching peoples Instagram stories.

Everyone from school was talking about the concert and how they were gonna be there and have fun everything else. Solana huffed not knowing who she was gonna even see or be listening to.

" Who we going to see suh?" Solana asked as Sage dried off brushing her teeth in the mirror with the towel wrapped around her body. " Rod wave, Bryson tiller and some other artist my friend India said." Sage shrugged sliding her socks on as she dropped her towel making Solana gasp.

" Girl stop acting like you never seen all this before, we been doing this since we were nine months." Sage shrugged referring to her body. The two had been taking showers and baths together for a long time. And if they didn't shower together one would stay in the bathroom while the other one did. It was just something they did.

" Right, go get my charger for me." Solana said sliding her shirt off leaving her in her bra. Sage nodded leaving the room. Once she grabbed the charger she peaked in her Grandmother's room seeing she was knocked out.

She laughed before sliding into the bathroom. She pulled the charger into the wall grabbing Solanas phone connecting it to the charger.

" Close yo eyes." Solana laughed as she put her clothes into the dirty clothes basket. She closed the cabinet before she got into the water.

" How would you like your hair nana." Sage twisted her lips to the side as she put the towel into the dirty clothes applying Vaseline to her face.

" I want it to look cute, but something that fit my face because I have a baby face Sassy." Solana laughed as she washed her both for the third time really scrubbing before she let the water run all over her body onto her knotless braids.

"I got the perfect hairstyle sis, you gon look good. Okay ? wait hold on I be back my friend calling me na." Sage spoke and Solana nodded. She left the bathroom going into the living room pressing accept.

" Hey India! dang sis you look whiter than usual." Sage joked making India laugh as she fixed her white silk pajamas.

" Girl don't do me, anyways I sent you the link for the tickets, you got yo hair and outfit already." India asked making Sage laugh.

" We going to the mall after school, the concert Saturday ? right okay so yeah. I'm finna get the tickets now." Sage said pressing the link. It brought her to a different link and she pursed her lips to the side.

" Okay, where Solana sexy ass at, I miss her." India shrugged and Sage laughed as she seen the two vip passes she clicked it and seen it was free since India sent her the discount link.

GrannyLu paid for her and Solanas tickets since she practically begged them to go. She gave them a choice to buy the tickets or the outfits.

The tickets came up to about 350, Sage screenshotted everything before she downloaded the app on her phone putting in her information making sure it would be there for her later on when she needed it.

" I'm right here, girl stop being gay! I miss you too tho suh." Solana laughed as she drunk from her cold water bottle.

"Yo white ass." India replied making Solana smack her teeth.

" If I'm white then what are you?!" Solana fussed grabbing her phone putting on a Bryson tiller song on her tv with the lyrics. " My fault, Yo Proper ass, not white but act white ass." India said and Solana and Sage laughed along with her.

" there's a time, and a place for all this." Solana sung along with the lyrics before she put on a rod wave album going the same. India told her the rest of the people and she made a played with all of there popular songs and most newest albums to listen and learn to.

" I'm out sis, I love you." Solana spoke up sliding her silver beats solo's off her head getting comfortable on the couch. Sage nodded grabbing a cover laying her head on the pillow.

" I love you more nana, see you tmr sis." She said kissing Solana's cheek as she turned over listening to what India was telling her about her Boyfriend.

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