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Omniscient '

" Solana, stop crying baby." Kaci pouted wiping Solana's tears. Solana nodding fixing her face. She was happy so she didn't understand why she was crying.

Pregnancy was strange to her. " I'm sorry ma, everything just soo prettyyy." She cheezed looking over the fully decorated Backyard.

" I know that's right! Everything is so beautiful, just like you." Granny Lu came out of the back door. She looked pretty and very healthy.

" Thank you lulu, Im happy you here today. What you cookin up?" Solana laughed kissing her cheek.

" Girl everything you asked for, and some extra stuff. I need you to run to the sto' fa me tho." She said and Solana nodded walking into the house.

She quickly grabbed a meatball placing it into her mouth not caring about how hot it was. She grabbed the car keys from the table as well as her IPhone walking outside the house.

" Hey Sage, come ride with me right quick." Solana spoke softly seeing her best friend in the driveway.

Sage smiled. " You look so pretty sistaaa, like oh my goodnesss I can't wait for this baby ta dropp." Sage cheezed as she got into the passenger seat.

" Thanks boo! And me too, I wanna find out the gender so I can by clothes. You team girl or boy?" Solana said not knowing Sage knew the gender aswell.

" Girl, you see this pretty HOT pink on my bodyyy, what you think." Sage said as she grabbed Solana's phone putting Evil Twin on by Kingvon and Durk on.

" India's coming with her daughter, you know she's pregnant right." Sage said and Solana gasped as they got into the parking lot.

" Really ? How far!" Solana cheezed grabbing her phone sliding it and her keys into the purse.

" Door locked?" Sage said opening it and Solana smacked her teeth. She grabbed the keys pressing the lock button again and Sage tried to open the door but it didnt budge.

" She's like 6 months na, but her and durk coming. I know Booka's coming with his cheesy ass." Sage rolled her eyes grabbing a basket as Solana opened her notes app.

" girl, you know you wanna see him." Solana laughed grabbing a few white plates as well as pink and blue packs.

" You think so ? I see that man every other day. He just so annoying." Sage said picking the big box of forks and spoons out.

" 400 ? ion even think 50 people gon be there." Solana giggled as she got some normal stuff for Their House, placing it into a different basket.

" Lie again Solana, they Finna have all the people there especially cause Von ugly ass." Sage said and Solana nodded. A call was coming from her phone.

Looking down it was phone. She showed Sage before she answered letting Sage laugh. " Hello Von?" She spoke up scanning the items at self checkout before Sage pushed her back.

She watched as Sage miscanned a few things before she caught on making her laugh. " Wassup lil folks." He spoke his voice almost making her weak.

" Stop calling me that bullshit Von." She smacked her teeth as she bagged the things up placing them back into the cart neatly.

" My fault babymama, i forgot yo young ass be actin so fuckin white folks." He said and Solana scrunched her face up as they walked out the store.

" You mean White washed Von ? slow tail self." Solana giggled slowly as she placed the things into the trunk while Sage put their things into the backseats.

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