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Today was the day i got discharged from the hospital. I got my suitcase back, and I was walking towards my new apartment which wasn't that far from the city center. I felt watched, but i knew this presence. I became comfortable around it by the time. As frightened as i was at the beginning, as calm i had got by now. There was nothing that could hurt me, especially him.

I spoke to the landlord, and they showed me my new room. It had it's own bathroom and a little kitchen corner. I liked it, so I immediately packed my stuff. It was around early afternoon, so i decided to call my girlfriend, Jieun, to talk. She had been avoiding me during my stay at the hospital, and after she got discharged - which was two weeks ahead of mine - she never visited me.

She texted me yes, so i got ready, and left my place. I took the bus, which wasn't necessary since the restaurant was close to me, but i was really tired. By the time I got there, I felt the presence again, like it was right behind me, breathing into my neck. I quickly turned around, but there was nothing. I didn't want to seem insane in public - even if i was at some point - so i just walked over to the girl as soon as i saw her. She looked dissapointed, sad, and upset.

"Oppa..." i sighed, i started to not like her calling me that. "We need to talk about how is it going to work out..." she almost whispered, which made me more annoyed.

"It isn't, Jieun-ah." I shook my head, and i felt the biggest relief in my life.

"What?" She looked at me, confused. I had to hold myself back from rolling my eyes.

"This isn't going to work out. You obviously cheated on me with Jaeho, who knows how many times. I am not accusing you of anything, I'm just saying what I saw. You are no longer the most important in my life, and you have been avoiding me when I most needed your support. You said I was overreacting, then what did you do for the last three weeks? I doesn't feel fair. So I think, that's it. It was nice, but it's gone now." I finished my monologue seeing her tearing up, holding her hand infront of her mouth.

She was on the edge of crying, and I didn't feel anything about it, at all. This frightened me. I wasn't able to feel empathy, there was only an empty hole in my chest, filled with numbness and a dark void. I didn't know what to do, but I didn't really care at the same time. I was afraid of myself, but I pushed that thought to the back of my mind.

"So... this is it?" She asked me with her voice shaking. I nodded, getting up, making my way out of the restaurant. "Oppa, why?" She tried to hold my hand as I walked into the alley next to the building.

"I just told you, didn't I? You never cared about me, you said I was overreacting. But I was right after all, about all the residents being weird. So how am I supposed to contunie this with you, if you doubt every word of mine?" I might have been harsh a little, but I was only relieved being able to say my truth.

"I promise, I won't! I swear!" She was desperate. I walked a bit slower, when we were at a quiet place, i stopped. I smiled to myself, she was suffering. It gave me a warm feeling in my chest, after all I didn't have any emotions such as empathy.

"You have to understand me, Jieun. I no longer want you in my life. That's it. I can not trust you anymore." I could say I was sorry, but I wasn't. If i told her I was, it would've been a lie.

I felt that comforting presence again, right when a loud clapping could be heard from the side of the alley. Even if I was startled by the sudden sound, I didn't show it, I knew who it was. I was looking at Jieun while the person walked next to me. My ex girlfriend looked horrified by the sight of the newcomer.

"Good job, Jagiya." He patted my shoulder. I wanted to swipe his hand away, but his touch felt so relieving. Like it was the start of something new, showing me, it was all real, next to me. I couldn't move, I didn't want to.

"Wh-what?" Jieun asked a shocked expression on her face.

"It's nice to see you, Jungwoo's ex. I believe we have met before."

"I-I know who you are... but what is going on? Oppa, why does he call you 'Jagiya'?" She turned towards me.

"I would appreciate if you didn't call me that from now on." I looked deep into her eyes without hesitation.

"You two... are unbelievable..." she said as she was backing away, trembling. "Jongwoo, you changed. You became something horrible, just like him." She pointed her finger at the person next to me while she was crying.

"Pointing fingers is really rude, Jieun." I sighed as I got comfortable under the hand on my shoulder. "And thank you." I added, as I saw a terrified look appear on her face. She no longer could speak.

"What do we do to her now, Jagiya?" The tall man asked, as I looked at him. "Beat her up? Cut her tounge out? Cut her hands off?" He was excited like me, but he showed it, yet I stayed calm. I had to keep my cool, the fun was yet to come.

"Keep her unconscious, bring her to Eden. Then it will be our decision what we want to do. Since the case is closed, that place is safe for this kind of purpose." I didn't look at him, I wasn't prepared to my emotions yet. I knew if I had looked at him, I would feel some type of way which wouldn't be so comforting. I had to wait some time. I just didn't know how much yet.

Jieun dropped on her knees, sitting on the ground, powerless. She looked at us with teary eyes, literally shaking.

"Are you two together?" It was only heard as a quiet whisper as she asked.

"No." I said fast, maybe too fast. The person next to me grabbed me by the waist just as I answered.

"Yes, we are. Right, Jagiya?" He looked at me with a creepy but handsome smile, emotionless eyes.

I was trying to protest, looking away. I wasn't ready to look at him yet. But then he gripped on my chin with two fingers, and turned my head to face him. I looked away with only my eyes as I could, but I no longer succeeded in ignoring him.

"Look at me, Jagiya." He fake pouted, his voice was soft, almost melted my heart.

Finally, I drove my eyes to him. As soon as my eyes met his black ones, emotions flooded my chest. Those long weeks of waiting finally payed off. I looked at his rosy, plump lips, desiring to kiss him on the spot. But I knew I couldn't do it. Not yet.

"We are, in fact, together." He said to Jieun yet still looking at me.

"Jongwoo, you bastard..." she swore at me.

I could only watch the man who was holding me by the waist. He clenched his hand into a fist, and slapped my ex fast. I was looking at his angelic face turning into an angry expression.

"Don't ever call him a bastard, you bitch!" He was furious, Jieun started crying harder. She couldn't ask for help, it was late, almost evening.

I didn't realise anything around me. I was too busy looking at his features, I felt like I couldn't drive my eyes anywhere else but to him. Like I was desperate to take in every possible sight of his appearance.

I got overwhelmed by seeing him again. I wanted to run, I had to think about a lot of things. My heart was beating so fast, I was afraid of getting a heart attack. I somehow managed to get out of his hold, and I started to run.

When I thought I got far enough, I stopped to normalise my breathing. My heart was still pounding like it was going to jump out, but I couldn't do anything about me. This was too much.

I sighed, I made my way towards my residence. I was relieved I didn't have to go back to Eden, that place was dusty and disgusting. And bloody, well, only since the accidents happened.

I smiled at the memory as I placed my key into it's hole. I killed those people, I really killed them. They are no longer alive. They can never bother me again.

Thinking back, I felt so alive and relieved, when everything happened. As soon as I accepted the fact that I did everything, and it wasn't Moonjo, I got better. More insane, but better.

I had to admit, he won. He got what he wanted. And I got to say, maybe I was happier this way - if only I could even feel happiness. Now he has Jieun too.

Let's start something new, together, Moonjo!

1577 words

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