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As I awoke, I almost screamed at the person on top of me. It was Moonjo. I immediately reached out for my phone, it was 11am. I sighed and looked at him in the eyes.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. But you don't have to come all the way here and lean into my face just to wake me up." I rolled my eyes.

"But where is the fun in that? And you are the one sleeping in again, so at least I expect a little more appreciation for my effort." He grinned at me.

I sighed again, I really wasn't in the mood for a game like this right now. I was tired from yesterday, I wanted to touch Moonjo, I wanted to kill yet I didn't want to leave my room for the day. My thoughts were messy and I was a little dizzy from tiredness. I was mad at Moonjo but still, I wanted to kiss him so bad. But I wasn't going to be the one to beg or give in. He was.

"Where are we going?" I wrapped my hands around his neck, not letting him break the eyecontact.

"To the mall." He answered as he wet his lips with his tounge.

Shit, that was too hot...

"Can you specify?" My question was genuine yet it didn't show in my actions. I was looking at him like I did yesterday.

"I could, actually, but I won't. It's a surprise." He leaned closer.

Our lips brushed against eachother, it wasn't a kiss. Our skins barely touched and I liked it that way. I closed my eyes, and pulled away after a few seconds. It was going to be difficult but I knew it would worth it. As much as I craved Moonjo's touch, I couldn't let his words go this easily. He was going to pay for them and give me what I want. He always did, what happened now? Why didn't he want to have sex with me? I already saw him naked a few times, he wasn't insecure about his scars. Then what was it?

I put some clothes on infront of him while thinking. I didn't go to the bathroom because he was the one coming to my room uninvited, so he had to just deal with my shit. Even if I'm attracted to him, I can't forgive him for anything he would like me to. And of course I wasn't going to do so either.

After a few minutes passed and I got ready, we made our way out of the complex, towards the mall. We decided on taking a taxi since the public transport would've been too risky for Moonjo, and it was more comfortable than sitting with tons of people, breathing the same air as them. Gross.

As we got to the place, he payed and we walked over to the front door. There were hundreds and thousands of people in there, I got a little anxious. I didn't know how I was going to react if one tried to push me or touch me or even look at me.

We went to the elevator and waited a few minutes for it to be clear so we don't have to worry about getting caught by other people. We got in and Moonjo pressed the fourth button to the top floor. When we got out, I immediately wanted to turn back as I saw a familiar face.

"Just keep going, go into some of the shops. Have a chat if she finds you. I will be at the bank, when she leaves, meet me at the bathroom. Oh, and don't seduce her too much, Jagiya." Moonjo whispered into my ears to give me clear instructions then he stroke my waist.

I trembled by the sudden touch, but I nodded and made my way out. I began to walk in a different direction than Moonjo, and soon enough, she noticed me. She waved her hand, and came up to me almost running.

"Jongwoo-ssi!" She called out when I drove my eyes to her as if I just noticed her presence.

"Oh, Officer Junghwa!" I smiled warmly at her.

"I've been trying to get a hold of you, but you don't seem to pick up... uhm, is there anything going on? Nightmares, sleeplessness? Anything I should know about? How are you feeling?" She began to bomb me with questions just as I expected.

"No, no nightmares, and I can sleep perfectly, thank you very much. Do I have to share anything about my well-being with you?" I looked at her like she had nothing to do with my business, which was true at some point.

"Eheh, no..." She laughed awkwardly. "But I would love to know, you know. After all, we saved eachother, right?"

"Mhm, yes, I suppose that is true." I lied to her face. She wanted me to say 'no, you saved me, I was useless', but oh well, I couldn't just lie.

"So...?" She waited for me to continue.

"Oh, nothing special, actually. I think I'm going to stay in Seoul for now. I like it here." I didn't know how to continue a normal conversation, after all I experienced things that most people don't on a daily basis.

"Really? Isn't it too hard for you, after what happened?" She looked concerned.

"Oh... well, it didn't effect me that much. It did, but at least I found a new passion, in writing." I said trying not to be too obvious.

"Oh, yeah, you told me you're going back to writing your novel. But Jongwoo-ssi, I wanted to ask you back then, and now too... what really happened that night on the fourth floor?" She lowered her voice, clearly touching a topic she was curious about but didn't know how I would react.

"This is not the place and time, Officer. After some thinking, I think there is no problem in telling you, but I can't get into it if it's not the perfect time and place. I just don't know how far you would go for that information." I nervously looked around.

"I would do anything, just tell me. What would be a perfect place and time?" She asked, getting excited as she didn't even consider looking at her surroundings.

"I think in two days, the day after tomorrow, and around night time. I don't know why, but my therapist said I'm more honest and comfortable after the sun goes down." I explained, even though I have never had therapy in my life, not even in the hospital. But it seemed to win Junghwa's attention, to pull the mentally ill card.

"Okay, night time, around 11pm?" I nodded as she began to take notes.

"You're going to have to come in secret. I don't want anyone to find out at my workplace that I am meeting with a police officer. It would seem like I'm some kind of troubled person..." I tried to take an effect on her, and I really did as she threw the paper away. I secretly grabbed it, and put it in my pocket.

"And what's the place?"

I looked away. I tried to look as embarrassed as I could, earning some empathy.

"Since it's secret, I was thinking about near Eden residence. But only if its okay with you..." I picked on my nails as I avoided eyecontact, looking as pitiful as I could.

"It's okay with me, I just don't understand, why would you want to go back there?" She looked really worried, her questioning started to annoy me too much.

"What happened there, should stay there. And it's easier to remember it vividly, then leave it there forever." I sighed like it was hard for me to talk about this further.

"I understand. In two days, Eden residence, 11pm. Okay, understood. I have to go now, have a nice rest of your day, Jongwoo-ssi!" She smiled as if she didn't just used me to gather information selfishly. I waved my hand and made my way towards the bank, to the toilet, where Moonjo was waiting for me.

I opened the door to see no one in the whole place. My phone buzzed, and as I reached for it, I grabbed the piece of paper too, remi ding me I have to do some arson before I go to sleep today. I checked the message.

'Last one.'

I walked over to the furthest toilet and stepped in. The door was closed as soon as I got into the tight spot. I got pushed against it, and I felt my neck get bitten, as well as sucked. I was given a hickey, and then a long, deep kiss. I got weak, but I couldn't give in. Not yet. I knew what he was doing.

"Moonjo-ssi, what do you want?" I moaned as he targeted my neck again, covering it with kisses and marks.

I pushed my hips against his heated body, feeling his already hard erection. I ran my fingers through his hairs, pulling some of the strings harder than the others. He grabbed my waits hard and bit into my neck till I bled. I moaned in pain but it just turned him on more. I smiled to myself, he really wasn't going to win this. He won't fuck me right now, but he will, I'm sure. Or he just plays with me so I would beg him. I don't really know, but in any case, I just enjoy this. It shows how much of a good duo we really are.

1600 words

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