Saving y/n

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On a cold, windy and snowy night y/n was walking home from the store with a bag of groceries, she had to get home before the wind gets even worse, and she lived just 2 blocks away from the store. She suddenly bumps into a klown when she wasn't looking, y/n looked up at him and the klown looked down at her with is glowing blue cat eyes. "Oh, hello I'm sorry that I bumped into you, I wasn't even looking!" Said y/n as she was a bit nervous and flustered at the same blushing.

"It's alright sweetheart, you don't have to be sorry, it was an accident that's all" Jumbo said as he starts to blush when he first looked at her beautiful face. "What's your name darling?" Jumbo said with a really big smile on his face, "I'm y/n, what's your name?" She said with a cute friendly smile, "I'm Jumbo, nice to meet you y/n!" He said as he shook her hand softly, his hand felt super warm as y/n soon as she shook back.

"Wow, you're really warm, I see you must be used to the cold!" She said as she looked at the time and it was 9:30, "oh shit, hey Jumbo I have to get home before the snow gets worse, and I have to go make dinner, I bet I can see you again another time!" Said y/n as Jumbo agreed with her and waved goodbye, and Jumbo waved back to her as she starts walking home, y/n was only a block away from her house then suddenly her ex friends were starting to surround her, "hey y/n, where is your wallet bitch?!" One of the ex friends said as they all start to come closer to her.

"Why do you need my wallet for?, what the fuck do you guys want from me?!" Said y/n as she starts to run but she's been caught, and they start to beat her and she starts to scream really loudly, and Jumbo suddenly hears her screaming and he jumps high up and jumps back down behind the people who was sill beating y/n up. And they turned around to see Jumbo with his mallet, they were terrified of him and he used his mallet to whack them. And crushed their heads against the snowy, icey concrete, and blood was splaterd in the snow with their brains everywhere.

After Jumbo had killed the group of people, he looked at y/n who was passed out with blood and bruises on her face, and he picked her up along with her groceries and took her home. Once they were at the house, Jumbo has put y/n on the couch and starts to fix her up, she had a bloody nose and has a few bruises on her face and body. Jumbo has put a blanket on her to keep her warm, and he sat by her and he never left her side and watched her, then y/n started to wake up,"J-Jumbo?" She said as she sat up and hugged him and he hugs back.

"I'm so happy that you're okay!" He said as he hugged her tight, "did you save me?" Said y/n as she was still holding on to him, "yes my dear, I saved you from those people who were attacking you, and I killed them so won't have to worry about them anymore!" Jumbo said to y/n and she honestly felt better about the fact that she won't ever have to deal with those people again. Then she suddenly kissed his lips. And Jumbo kisses her back, and y/n turned on the TV and they layed on the couch and cuddled, and they talked for a bit before they cuddled up more.

Author's Note:
Welp I did a Jumbo story and there's gonna be smut in the next chapter so be warned lol 😜😆
I hope you have a great day!!! 😊💝

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