Jumbo Cuddling y/n (Smut)

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They where still cuddling on the couch and they watched TV for a while, then Jumbo started to kiss y/n and held her face looking at her, and trying not to squeeze her cheeks too hard cuz she has some bruises on her face, Jumbo slowly started to get on top of y/n and she lets him. Then y/n started to kiss him more, she suddenly felt something poking her down there and she blushes.

Jumbo was getting hard and he blushes and smirks at her, "You wanna have some fun baby?~" Jumbo asked and y/n nods, and she sits up and carefully takes off her shirt. And Jumbo looked at her bra and unclipped it, and her nipples were hard and exposed, this turned Jumbo on even more. He put y/n back down, and he starts to lick and suck her nipples and y/n begins to moan softly, this went on for 3 minutes and he stops, and starts to unbuttoned her pants, and he takes them off and he finds her super wet thong.

"Oh, you're so wet my darling ~" Jumbo said as he starts to take off her thong and exposed her wet pussy, and he starts to growl and he went back down to suck on her nipples, Jumbo moved his hand down to her pussy and started to slowly thrust his fingers. "Hah, mmh fuck!~" y/n moans as he went a bit faster, "ahh, oh Jumbo!~" she moans louder as he starts to go real fast with his big thick fingers. "P-PLEASE DON'T STOP, OH FUUUCK!!!~" she screams as she suddenly came on his fingers, Jumbo takes out his fingers and licks the cum off.

"You taste so sweet my dear~" Jumbo said as he starts to take off his suit, once he took it off, his exposed 11 inch dick was sprung up. And y/n was so surprised that she wanted him even more, she went up to his ear and whispered: "please, fuck me Jumbo, I really need you right now!~" y/n said as Jumbo suddenly pinned her on the couch, and started to kiss her passionately, and he slipped his tongue in her mouth. And he put his huge cock to her entrance and slowly went in.

"Mmh!" She said in pain as Jumbo looks down to her and kisses y/n's neck to calm her down, "shhh, it's okay y/n it's okay, the pain will stop soon" and he slowly thrusts into her and the pain stopped then begins to take deep breaths, and she can feel the pleasure. "Jumbo, can you please go faster?~" y/n begged him and he took out his dick out for a second, and he slammed back inside of her and she screamed loudly as she was gripping the couch while he was fucking her hard and deep. "AHHH, OH FUCK YESSSS, OH JUMBO!!!~"

"Oh fuck y/n, you're really tight!~" Jumbo said as he kept thrusting so deep inside, she keeps screaming his name and starts holding on to him. Suddenly y/n started to feel a big knot in her stomach, she starts to hold on to him real tight, "JUMBO, I'M GONNA CUM!~" she said as Jumbo grabbed her hips and started to go fast, "I'M CUMMING TO BABY!!!~" he said as he suddenly started to shoot his hot semen deep inside of her. And he pulled his dick out and cum started leaking out of her pussy, and Jumbo layed back down on the couch next to y/n catching their breath.

"Holy fuck, that was amazing!" Said y/n as she starts to cuddle with him again, "yeah it was, you're really beautiful when you said my name like that!" Jumbo said as y/n started to blush and giggle by the compliment and kisses his nose, and he kisses her cheek. And they watched TV again for another hour, and they suddenly felt tired, "I love you Jumbo" y/n said as she buried her face in his neck, "I love you too y/n" said Jumbo as he kissed her head, and they both went to sleep hold on to each other and not letting go.

Author's Note:
I've got another smut chapter done Yayyyyy, I hope you Jumbo fans enjoyed it! 😏😏😏
I Love ya! Have a good day 😊💕💞

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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