Feeling Small.

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"Waiter! I'd like a starter, please!"


"Waiter! Where's my dessert!?"

"A-ah! Just a moment!"


"I'll be right there...!"


Chaos is what anyone would describe inside this formal restaurant.

Mainly because there's only one waiter and there's a bulk ton of customers wanting to order, waiting for their order and leaving because they're not getting their said order.

Said waiter looked very stressed out.

Vincent Charbonneau, France's renowned chef of La Gueule de Saturne, a blunt, serious and no-nonsensical man is currently standing, as usual, at the far corner of his kitchen. His sharp yet tired-looking eyes sternly watched as his chefs cook neatly, seriously and towards perfection for his hungry consumers, his arms crossed together.

Yet, his main focus was actually on the auburn-haired waiter up front, through the window  between the kitchen and the main room. 

Annoyance is bubbling up inside of him, and it's not about the fact that the customers are leaving, it's because of the waiter.

Rody Lamoree.

A newly-hired waiter temporarily working at Vincent's famous restaurant just so he can earn money and get back together with Manon, his ex who left him.

Whenever there's no customers, or when Rody is on break. He tends to whine and dump his grief about Manon in almost anywhere. Manon's name always goes out of the waiter's lips. How pretty she is, how she's an angel to him, how he couldn't live without her. Manon this. Manon that. Everyone is annoyed, especially Vincent.

The waiter is an optimistic, (though a bit forced when he's stressed.) childish and golden retriever-like to nearly everyone, except towards Vincent. (The latter is slightly upset.)

His personality goes a hundred fold when it's, you guessed it, Manon.

Just goes to show how Rody is an obsessive little shit he is, and he thinks it's normal too. Reason being: "It's only natural when it's someone you love!"

He watched as the waiter let out a long suffering sigh as he helplessly watched a few dissatisfied customers leave the bistro. Vincent also sighed as well.

The chefs within the kitchen cautiously glanced at each other. This is the umpteenth time their boss had sighed. They don't know whether it's directed at them or at Rody, who screwed up most of the time, but they're very certain that it's directed at Rody.

'...Is Chef going to fire him?'

They all unanimously thought as they glanced at the ginger-haired waiter, running around in a stressy manner, trying his best to hand each customer their orders while trying to maintain his smile.

They all looked concerned, considering how the ginger-haired waiter managed to keep his job despite messing up multiple times.

'Chef 2, you will always be remembered.'

But contrary to their thoughts, Vincent is actually thinking of something entirely different.


Yes, height.

Vincent's head constantly repeated that word over and over again. As if it's a mantra that will eventually give him the answer to a question he never asked. He will never forget the day when he felt so... small.

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