Chapter 2

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January 28th 1667
London England, Catherine has been made to court the Duke of Wessex's son Peter Ramsey, something that she rather not do as Peter is nearly a decade older than her, and he enjoys whoring himself about, Peter is a tall slim man with long blonde hair, he used to be handsome, but he's lost a lot of weight and his face seemed sucked in, he's a widower as his wife Lady Rebecca died during childbirth and so did the child, something that is very common.

Catherine much rather court Peters younger brother Richard who is 14 but very funny and quite cute, he also looks into Catherine's eyes when they talk and not at her breasts, she's told her father this, but he laughed and said that Richard was still a child and Peter was fertile and heir to the Duke of Wessex, so a much better match for Catherine. Catherine and her parents and Peter and his parents are out at the theater watching Hamlet a play wrote by William Shakespeare, someone Catherine enjoyed reading as his writing always captivated her, and he seemed to have traveled a lot, hopefully one day Catherine will get to travel the world and see all the beautiful places that she's read about.

During the break of the play they are conversing between themselves. "So Thomas, what does thy think of the horrific murders up in the north of England?" The Duke of Wessex asked, quite an old looking man similar in age to Arthur Asmall, "not a lot Philip, but the man or men that are doing these horrific acts seem to be making themselves down towards us my friend." He says, knowing that it could only be a vampire or werewolf, as no human would do the things that he's heard.

Catherine is in her own little world partly listening to her father talking about the murders, then she felt a chill over her body feeling marques Ramsey's fingers slide ghostly over her forearm. Catherine shifted and successfully pulled her arm away from her potential suitor. "Is thou enjoying the play Lady Catherine?" Peter whispered to Catherine, which sent an unpleasant shiver straight down Catherine's spine after the feeling the warmth of his breath touch the skin of her shoulder. Remaining polite,

Catherine tossed him a small smile and stared straight ahead, pretending to be enthralled by the performance, as the actors retake to the stage. "There are few people in England who could possibly have more true enjoyment of Shakespeare than myself, or natural better taste." Peter's dark brown eyes studied her profile then dropped to her cleavage.

He swallowed, desperate to control his basic arousal. "I'm sure that is true heir Peter." Catherine says to him without looking at him. "Have I mentioned this evening, Lady Catherine, thou art indeed the most heavenly creature in all of London?" Wearing a tight smile across her face, Catherine replied, "Yes, you have. Thank you, heir Peter." She shifted her gaze back to the performance. Peter leaned over towards again and sheepishly whispered, "Lady Catherine." Catherine stops him before he can finish "Please, sir, call me Cat." Catherine whispered.

Peter smiled at her polite command, which only added his confidence in courting the young Miss Ledger. "Lady Cat" Peter began, Catherine turns to him and backs her eyes "yes?" She responded "may I accompany you after the performance. It is my intention, if I may remain close to thee throughout the rest of the evening." Catherine released a small breath and looked forward.

In the corner of her eye, she could see her parents looking back at her and Peter, curious of how the interaction was going. Internally praying to God or anyone who could help her escape, which she knew did not exist, Catherine collected herself and replied with forced politeness, "If God is willing. But that would delight me greatly, heir Peter." She tells him with a fake smile. Gleaming with pride at himself and the outcome of Catherine's response, Peter smiled and reverted his gaze back to the performance happening in front of them.

It felt as if the all the noise of the room had faded into the ether when Catherine felt a strange sense of being watched.
Her green eyes shifted across the aisle to her mother and father, their attention was focused straight ahead. Catherine's brows pinched together as she slightly darted her gaze around the room without raising interest in her new averted attention.
Unable to find the source of the strange feeling of being watched, like most things in Catherine's life, she swallowed the discomforting chill that shimmied down her spine and gave what was left of her attention back to the performance.

The Vampire: The Life of Catherine Part 2Where stories live. Discover now