File: Hide and Seek

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MePhone paced back and forth, concerned over something quite major to him. Floory popped right next to him.

"So, what's the next challe-"

"Not now." MePhone spoke coldly. "We have an issue. One of our contestants have gone missing."

"Oh jeez, seriously?" Floory responded, worried. "How is that even possible? I thought there were, like, cameras everywhere! You said we were always being watched, right?!"

"That's what freaks me out the most! Yin-Yang disappeared without a trace! None of the cameras picked up any motion from them or anyone else. I knew I should've ignored law enforcement and installed the cameras in the suite rooms."

"What now-"

"Everyone!" MePhone called out for the other contestants. "Gather around! We have a situation! Our fellow contestant, Yin-Yang, has gone missing!"

The others went into shock, gasping. They looked around at each other, unsure what to do. I glanced at Candle, she seemed the most concerned. Silver Spoon looked like he could care less.

"Is that all? Why should we care? They've been quite the menace so far this competition." Silver interjected.

"Because they're a fan favorite, duh! We need to keep those ratings up!" MePhone declared. Everyone looked at him unimpressed. He cleared his throat. "And because I'm worried about their well beings. That too."

It was quiet for a moment. The other contestants whispered amongst each other. MePhone paced for a little bit longer, then snapped his fingers with a bubbly smile. "Aha! That's it! Alright everyone, it's time for the next challenge! Hide and Seek!"

The others groaned. I frowned. Really? Hide and Seek? While a contestant was missing? Please don't tell me we'll search for them using that game as a method-

"We all know the rules of hide and seek, and it appears that Yin-Yang wanted to hide first! So in this challenge, we're gonna go on a hunt for them!" MePhone explained. "Last team to find them will be up for elimination!"

Oh no.

I turned to Test Tube, who seemed slightly worried, but managed to calm herself down enough to look at least as worried as the others. She looked back at me.

"Well? What are you waiting for?!" MePhone bleated. "You have until sundown! Challenge starts now! Go! GO!"

The groups met up. The Sinkers as a team ended up splitting not too long ago, so now we had new teams, with Balloon, Silver, and Paintbrush now working with us.

"So... you guys seem to be the planners here. What's our first move? Where do we look?" Balloon asked.

Test Tube thought for a moment. "Cabby, you got a file on the island's map?"

I nodded and pulled out a file carrying a map of the entire island. She took it and placed it on the Picnix table.

"Here's the plan!" Test Tube began. "There's three other sections of the island we haven't been to. Southwest, East, and South. Bow, Balloon, you take the South. Paintbrush, Silver Spoon, head East. Cabby and I will check the Southwest!"

Files, Cabby [Inanimate Insanity AU]Where stories live. Discover now