File: Indefinite Island

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The first thing I felt when I landed was sand sticking to my metallic body. I spat some out of my mouth and did my best to lift myself up. Once I got back on my wheels, I realized something was wrong.

Where's Bow?

I heard the sound of crying not too far away from me. I turned around, seeing Lifering and TeaKettle comforting somebody. I got closer to them and called out to them.

"Guys! Guys what's going-" before I could finish, Lifering stood in front of Teakettle and the unknown object in an attempt to protect them.

"You!" He yelled. "What happened to Bow? Is this YOUR doing?!"

I rolled back slightly, and Teakettle quickly went up to Lifering. "Now now, hon, it's not fair to make sudden assumptions about people. Give her a chance to explain herself."

I sighed, quite happy that someone was finally giving me a chance to speak. I did my best to explain everything. Test Tube, Yin-Yang and Candle, the chase that happened moments ago, and what I did to Bow and why I did it... they stared at me in horror.

Lifering spoke first. "So, let me get this straight... you teamed up with Test Tube, then she made you murder two people-"

"They're technically not dead," I corrected.

"Right, right." Lifering sighed. "And apparently, Fan and Taco are working along side her. Then, after the night she attacked you, Bow came over and you attacked her to prove a point?!"

I nodded. "Yes. I did."

TeaKettle grabbed Lifering and Blueberry and began to converse amongst each other, trying to figure out how to handle this information, then looked back at me.

"Alright, here's what's going to happen," Lifering stated, holding a stick in his hand and creating a line between me and him. "Don't pass this line for now. Got it? We can't trust you quite yet."

I was about to argue against it, but I held back. "I understand."

Lifering took the others a bit farther away from me, leaving me all alone. Which, I definitely understood why! It still hurt though.

Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes became hours. I stared at the line Lifering had drawn in front of me. Nothing felt real at this point, like i was picturing the landscape with my mind.

I really do hope this is a dream...

Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. Candle was standing several yards away.

"Cabby?" I heard someone speak. I shot my body around quickly to see Teakettle holding a picnic basket. "Look, I know that you're not 100% trustworthy, but you do look quite hungry." She dropped the basket on the other side of the line. "Try to eat something, okay?"

Teakettle then left me alone. I grabbed hold of the basket, dug through it, and ate some of the bread out of the basket. It was delicious, a little stale, but delicious. I don't really remember the last time I ate a proper meal...

I looked back over to see Candle again. She was closer now.

"Candle.." I began to spoke and turned to face her. "I.. I know you're probably a figment of my guilt, but... I genuinely mean it when I say that I'm sorry for what I did to you and Yin-Yang. You.. you don't need to forgive me-" I wiped tears coming out of my eyes. "But I hope you least understand that I'm genuinely so guilty for doing that. I never wanted to do it. Test Tube, she... no. No I did this on my own volition."

I was still unsure if I truly did it for myself or for Test Tube, but I kept going. "And.. and I hope that I can find a way to end your suffering! I promise that I will try!"

The figment of Candle stood there, unmoving.

God, I probably sounded crazy to the other eliminate contestants if they heard me. I rested on a sand dune, hoping I could get some sleep...

The Candle figment stood in front of me as I drifted into slumber.


She could hear an argument happening downstairs. The little girl stood up at the very top, looking down at her mother having a supposed screaming contest with whoever was outside.

"Stop trying to come back! I don't want you here! None of us do!" Her mother yelled, attempting to scare whoever was there away from the house.

The little girl couldn't make out what the other voice was saying that well. Something about 'custodians'..?

The girl went back to her room, lying down on her bed, trying to ignore the fighting happening not too far from her.

She always hated yelling. It made her cry, and hearing her mom's screaming made her want to cry even more. She covered herself in the blankets, hoping that she would eventually fall asleep, but it didn't happen.

She listened as the clock on her wall ticked. It was relaxing, but not enough to help her sleep. The yelling downstairs got worse. She couldn't take it. Not again. What if mommy and mum were getting hurt? Or hurting each other?

She got up out of bed, trying to head down the stairs carefully, but ended up slipping instead.

A loud clank went off in the entire house.

Files, Cabby [Inanimate Insanity AU]Where stories live. Discover now