i can't R.R

901 15 2

includes heavy discussion of eating disorders and mentions of slurs



i stare at her. the love of my life. reneè mary jane rapp.

she looks down at me and laughs softly. "ok 3.. 2.. 1.. post!" she said, smiling and off went the instagram post. our hard launch.

its a mirror photo of the two of us where im hugging her from behind with the side of my fave pressed against hers, and we're both wearing big grins on our faces.

it was a silly way to announce our relationship, but we thought it was cute.

i think she could see past my awful acting to the anxiety i was feeling. "dont be nervous, baby, they'll love you." she says encouragingly. 

"they might not." i reply, shrugging. 

"hey, no negativity, okay, and if they dont, then thats their loss, okay baby."

i nod into her chest before realizing how tired i am, so i close my eyes. "goodnight evy," reneè whispers,

"goodnight nae," i respond.


i wake up alone, something that doesn't happen often anymore. after giving myself a couple minutes to finish waking up, i throw on evelyns hoodie and walk towards the kitchen.

i hear evelyns voice as i approach the kitchen, and it doesn't take me long to realize that she's on the phone with her mom.

"yes i am still coming... no, i won't be staying with you... this isn't new news i told you a month ago... yes, i did... no, i haven't found myself a husband."

i hang back, letting her finish the call without me interrupting.

"i dont want to have this conversation with you right now. it's seven in the morning." i hear her say with a sigh. "ok, bye." i take this as my signal to enter.

"goodmorning love, was that your mom?" i smile softly.

"yeah, we were just talking about tomorrow night because she forgot everything planned again."

i bring her in for a hug, wrapping my arms around her waist, and she kisses me. "goodmorning," she finally replies. 

"well, im excited to finally meet her," i say softly, kissing her once again before letting go and walking towards the fridge.


reneé misses the panic in my eyes as she walks to the fridge. truth behold, I've been biting my nails thinking about them meeting, and i hope to avoid it even happening. 

to put it simply, my mother is not the person you want to introduce your girlfriend to if you are a girl yourself. we used to get along well, but that was when i was a perfect straight A student, straight with my identity too. she started to hate me as my silky hair became messy curls, and with it, my attraction to girls. after that, we never saw eye to eye, and i think she just pretends it never happened because after i moved to LA, i wasn't there to remind her of my new identity anymore.

reneè one shots / her charactersWhere stories live. Discover now