Emily meets Lyime

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Emily was taking a small walk across tier city, humming a small song to herself.

Emily: *had her eyes closed with a carefree smile* I'm curious if there's a sex shop in this city.

The pervy goddess would felt something bump into her and look down to see a horn light purple hair female who stood up.

The pervy goddess would felt something bump into her and look down to see a horn light purple hair female who stood up

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Lyime: *had her eyes close with a polite smile* My bad. I wasn't looking where I was going.

Emily: *had close her eyes with her polite smile* It's fine. I was just looking to see if this city had a sex shop.

Lyime: *had open her eyes with a curious look* Oh? You were heading? I was too.

Emily: *opens her eyes with interest at this while looking at the female's breasts, jealous at her size* Really? What's your name?

Lyime: *put her hand on her breast* Lyime.

The pervy goddess blink in surprise at this and glare up at the sky.

Emily: *thoughts with an anger vein* Her name is nearly mines just spell backwards and two word swap! This shitty author is trying to replace me! *stop at a sudden realization with a mischievous smile* If her name is identical she must be just like me. *looks back at the horn light purple hair shortstack* How odd. Your name is near similar to my own. My name is Emily.

Lyime blink in surprise at this and notice the look in taller female's eyes with her soon smirking mischievous, knowing that smirk too well.

Lyime: *held her hand out* Wanted in different universes?

Emily: *took her hand with her eyes close* You know it.

Emily and Lyime: *had shook to hands* Here's to an awesome friendship.

Meanwhile, Jaylen and his siblings would be hanging out with Mitsu and the others with them sudden having a shiver.

Emma: *had a small sweat and look at the others* Anyone else had a shiver.

They nodded to the magic user with them all wondering why.

Meanwhile, with Drago
Drago would be sitting down with Luci in his lap, his arm wrapped around his girlfriend as both demons were watching the sunset.

Luci: *was thinking to herself and look back at the demon hybrid* I decide to give birth in four days.

Drago: *his tail wag around* So Monday? Alright. *tighten his hold on her waist* We still haven't decide on the name.

Luci: *chuckles lightly as her tail brush against his chest* I was thinking of Vermeil.

The demon hybrid hum at this with him soon chuckling, liking the name and place his hand on her stomach.

With Annie
Annie would be washing dish and felt a shiver, putting her hands on her butt and snap behind herself but didn't see a certain pervy goddess.

Annie: *thoughts while confuse* Odd. Why I had a shiver?

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