Feeling unwanted in every place you go
Feeling like your the most ugly person in the room
The feeling were you know that even your family doesn't want you
The feeling were you just want to disappear
And go to place were there isn't even a soul
A place were you shouldn't have to deal with people's judgments
A place where there is peace and only peace
But that place is luxurious place I'll never deserve or be granted
That place only exists in our heads
No where else
And if you found a peaceful place
There will always something messing it up
Life doesn't want us to relax doesn't want me to shut my mind
But I am stronger than that
I didn't shut only my mind
But I shut off my whole body and soul
What is the good thing in feeling
You'll get hurt any way
From close people and from strangers
No one leaves the other alone
Whispers of Life
Poetry"Unwanted place where special people wants to be there" hurt love comfort every single one of them in one place whispers of life a book where everything is extraordinary Top Rankings 1# predictable 1# chooseyou 13# extraordinary 19# feeling