Ch 18

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It's been a month since you both get married you are feeling happy.

You were feeling dizzy nowadays and mood swings are increasing day by day.

You were walking in your garden and watering the plants you are a nature lover.

You started feeling nauseous and you ran into the mansion and went to bathroom.

Yn:I think I'm pregnant should I do the test?

You bought a pregnancy kit secretly so that no one will know.

You went to bathroom and after sometime came looked its positive.

Yn:I'm so happy I should tell this to kook he will we so happy.(happy)

You were going to call him but stop.

Yn:wait wait wait i have an idea.💡

You kept your hand on your stomach.

Yn:let's surprise your papa baby.(smiling)

Otherside jk

Jk:why can't you find him he just want my princess property I want him at any cost.(shout)

Guard:o..ok sir(left)

Jk grabbed his hair in frustration.

Jk:i will not leave him hes my and my princess family destroyer.And when I'll find you I'll torture you mercilessly that you'll beg to me to kill you just wait and watch.(angry)

At evening

Jk came home but got surprised not to found you there because you always wait for him.

Jk:princess I'm home where are you?(calling you)

He went upstairs to his room and started searching for you.He found a note saying "come to Terris kook".

He went upstairs and when he came there he got surprised.

The Terri's was beautifully decorated. There was a tent covered by light but he was confused because there was so many children toys.

Suddenly you came and blindfold him with your hands
from behind.

Jk:princess what is this?

You came infront of him and wrapped your arms around his neck.

Yn:I gave you the hint don't tell me you didn't understand.

Jk:is today is something ?your birthday no my birthday no?what's today?(confused)

Yn:your so dumb kook.(facepalmed)

Yn:ok I'm going to tell you(taking a deep breath)look
I'm pregnant we are going to become parents.(smile)

Jk was shocked listening you you frowned bcz he was not saying anything.

Yn:look are you alright?

Suddenly he picked you up in his arms and spinner you around.

Jk:I'm so happy princess I'm going to be a dad.(joy+excited +happy)

He make you stand on floor and hugged you tightly.

Jk:thank you so much you make my day baby I'm so so so so much happy.

You smiled looking at him so excited and happy.

You hugged him.

Yn:I love you kook.

Jk:I love you too princess and also my little baby.

You both were too happy.

After 6 months

Your mood swings and cravings are on high wake him at night at anytime to make you something.

Its night time

Yn:kook(shooking him)

Jk:wht happen princess.(sleepy)

Yn:pls make noodles for me.(puppy eyes)

Jk sighed.

He went to kitchen you also came with him following him.

Jk:princess you should rest.

Yn:no it's all alright just cook me noodles.

Jk started making noodles you were looking at him

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Jk started making noodles you were looking at him.Hes looking so handsome and you are impressed by his professional cooking skills.

After making jk served it to you.

Yn:you want some.(jk shook his head as no)

You started eating but you feeling you should add something.

Yn:kook pass me honey.

He frowned but passed you honey.You pour the honey on top of noodles making him take a bite and close your eyes bcz its tasty.(for you)

Yn:so good kook you can become chef.(flying kiss)

Jk be like:

Seriously how can you eat that(Noodles and honey).


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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