Chapter 26: Not All Doctors

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December 21, 2008

It'd almost been a week since Jax Teller stupidly shoved his girlfriend away from him in an attempt to protect her from the crazy world he was apart of. He knew it was a terrible idea, he also knew that deep within he was right. She didn't belong with him, she deserved bigger and better. He was dying without her though, it was eating him alive. He fought constantly to not call her, to avoid her house and avoid her unit at the hospital when he went to visit his ex wife. He hated it too, but all actions have consequences. He would have to learn this lesson the hard way.

He stayed against the wall beside where his mother sat in one of the uncomfortable chairs that littered the waiting room, he was taking a break to talk to his mom. He wanted to update the woman about the mother of his child when he automatically looked up at the opening elevator door out of habit and his breath hitched. Her. He stood up straighter, running his hands over his messy hair. His blue eyes stayed on the woman as he watched her slowly step off the elevator and stop moving as she answered her ringing phone. He heard her greet the person who called her, her attention didn't fall on him yet. He watched her carefully as she started towards the nurse's station, pocketing the phone in her white coat. Her eyes never scanned the room, she never noticed him. But he noticed her.

He looked at his mom and sighed as she gave him a confused look. "Don't ask any questions."

"What'd you do this time?" Gemma stood up and started to follow after Vivian but stopped and looked back at her son. "She didn't even see you."

He sighed as he covered his face. "Told her the truth, she needs to be anywhere else. Look what happened to Wendy. My son was missing. She doesn't need this shit."

"That's not your choice to make. If she wants to be with you and she chooses to be at your side with the knowledge of the things that happen then just thank her for still wanting to stay with you." Gemma shook her head slowly. "You're a fool. When did this happen?"

Jax shook his head again. "Last week, I ended shit last week and I told her to take some time off of work and go be with her family." He heard her voice and he stepped away from the wall to walk towards the elevators.

"Leave her alone then. Don't try to talk to her. If you think this is the right decision then leave her alone." Gemma scoffed as she grabbed his arm to stop him. "Don't play stupid games with her, you kicked her out of your life so let her go."


Vivian Andrerson finished her second call on her work phone and she stepped out of the nurse's station with one of the floor nurses. "I'd like to receive all updates as well, she's one of my patients on my end and I want to monitor the aftermath of her trauma. Especially if there's no trace of spermicide." She spoke to the nurse. "I haven't been in today to visit with her but I'll be in the hospital all day so I will be back, I just wanted to check the chart for new notes." She smiled as she let her eyes wander the waiting room as she and the nurse waited for the elevator. Her eyes fell on Jax and she forced a smile as she focused on the nurse again. "Keep me posted with any updates, I'll be back in a little while to check in again." She ended the conversation as the elevator dinged and she stepped onto it. She pressed the button labeled as four and stepped back to wait for the doors to close. She looked down at her phone, responding to a message and completely missing someone walking onto the elevator. Once she finished her response, she pocketed her phone and looked up.

Vivian finally noticed the occupant beside her after what felt like minutes and she eyed him before she just simply plastered a smile on her face as she waited for the elevator to reach her floor. She fished her phone out of her pocket again to respond to her incoming text when the man hit the emergency button and the elevator came to an abrupt halt. She looked up, her eyes on Jax Teller and she sighed. "What are you doing?"

"I need to talk to you and I don't need you taking off anywhere." He turned to look at the brunette. "I miss you, Viv." He started to close the space between them a little.

She shook her head slowly, putting a hand up in front of her. "Don't. You have nothing to say, especially that concerns me." She looked up at the man, he could see the pain in her eyes. "Please, Jax, just restart the elevator. I have to get to my own unit."

"I need you to know that I love you, so much that I just need you safe." He shrugged his shoulders. "I do love you though, maybe this can blow over and everything will be ok again."

Vivian shook her head again. "Maybe everything will be ok again for you but you and I won't ever be ok. You can't just ignore your own actions and I can't let you believe that it's just ok to do whatever you want. I gave you a second chance and you blew that too. I can't go through another Jax Teller tantrum again if you decide down the road that it's not safe for me to be with you again." She stepped around the man and restarted the elevator. "It doesn't matter, love isn't all you need in a healthy and successful relationship. You have to have communication, trust, and stability. I can't trust you anymore, you don't communicate with me and those right there lead to instability. I wish it was as simple as that, I didn't just stop loving you because we broke up. I still love you, Jax, but honestly who cares? Not you, if you did then you wouldn't be stopping me in a fucking elevator to try to talk to me because you regret your choice to walk away after living with the consequences of that choice for a week." She watched the numbers flash on the small screen to indicate each floor. "I love you Jax. Please don't bother me again though, leave me alone."

December 24, 2008

In three days, so much had happened. Revenge for Gemma. Revenge for Wendy. Revenge for even the slightest trauma caused to the son of Jax Teller. Wendy was out of the hospital, back home with Gemma helping her- along with Wendy's sister. Vivian had stopped by to pay her a visit as well. It was simply cut short at the sound of a certain motorcycle coming down the road. It was becoming easy to cut ties with the life Vivian had started with Jax, only because he listened to her request in the elevator three days prior. She asked him not to bother her again as she wanted to simply heal and move on from the situation. He heard her, he understood what she was saying and he respected her request.

He regretted his own stupid choice to end things, he didn't want to be away from her at all but he did want her safe. He wanted her far from any harm. Like the harm that had already been caused to his ex-wife, his mother, and his son. He missed her terribly, no matter how easy it was becoming to be away from her.

Jax Teller walked toward the home, the bag in hand that had been left the night she left. He knew it wasn't important but he wanted to still return the bag and make sure she was still doing ok. He approached the front door and pressed the doorbell before he stepped back to await Vivian's greeting. "Come on, Viv." He muttered as he stepped back again to look at the driveway that seemed to hold an SUV he'd never seen before. He heard the lock disengage before the front door opened to reveal Vivian Anderson. "I'm not trying to bother you, I just wanted to check in on you and return this bag you left at the clubhouse."

"Jax." She sighed heavily as she stepped out of the house and closed the door behind her. "I - Thank you for bringing it back, I didn't even realize I left it." She looked up at him as she accepted the bag from the man. "I appreciate you coming all this way."

He nodded his head as he eyed her for a moment, he watched her body sway back and forth for a moment, he raised an eyebrow. "Viv, are you ok right now?"

"Oh definitely, it's a great night. I'm great!" She started grinning at the man, but he recognized the grin and the glaze of her eyes. She was tipsy, she'd definitely had a few drinks. "I'd invite you in but you don't like all doctors, just some. Plus I have a guest so that'd be awkward." She sang her last word as she continued to sway her body.

Jax sighed heavily. "Who is your guest, Vivian?"

"A friend." She smiled as she looked back at her closed front door before turning to face Jax again. "A friend who definitely doesn't boss me around and make decisions for me. I'm an adult, Jax, I am a big girl!" She wagged her finger at him before she started giggling. "I'm not big, I'm literally five foot two and I weigh practically nothing."

He shook his head. "Who is it, Viv?"

"A friend! You don't listen very well, Jackson." She furrowed her brow at him as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Maybe he is a serial killer and will eat me for breakfast tomorrow morning. Maybe he is not, it's no business of Jax Teller's though. It's Vivian's business. I'm Vivian." Without another word, she slipped back into the home leaving Jax on the front steps by himself, absolutely astonished.

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