Chapter 4: Connor

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Wow! Chase is the guy of my dreams! I could not stop starring at him until I absolutely had to. Anyways, the place was beautiful and elegant on the outside and a prison on the inside. In all its beauty and evil it seemed menacing to me. Once we got inside and through security, the man gave us a schedule for the whole summer. It was the same every day! The schedule went a little like this: 8:00- Wake Up, 8:30- Breakfast, 9:30- Small group therapy, 10:45- Recreation, 11:45- Lunch, 12:50- Rest/Break, 1:10- Large Group Therapy, 4:20- Open Library/Recreation, 6:30- Dinner, 7:30- Clean Up, 8:00- Shower/Room Time, 9:00- Lock down.

I know the schedule doesn't look too bad, but if you look at the last thing, it says lock down. I don't mean like they had a practice drill or anything, I mean they locked up in our rooms! And you were not allowed to miss a meal, unless mortally ill. After we got the schedules, we went to our rooms. They were very small and the beds were small. Good thing i don't move in my sleep.

Also, I met my roommate. she is a little nerdy and quiet, but she let me put up all my posters in peace.

After we unpacked, we went to breakfast since we had arrived so early. They served mush. MUSH! I'm not even joking. Ya well Chase and I sat down and started choking down the "food" when this giant kid spills his bowl of mystery stuff all over me! My hair was a mess and I looked horrible in front of Chase! So, I stood up and screamed,"What's wrong with you, you psycho?" The kid started crying and I was sent to see the headmaster (That is what we had to call her, not my choice.)

The headmaster was this strict lady with jet black hair pulled into a slick bun, thin led lips, and wrinkles. She started talking about how I needed to behave or there would be consequences. Then she said that I couldn't have lunch. So I said that if it was anything like breakfast, I didn't wan't it anyways. And do you know what she said? She siad I had to clean the boys bathroom during lunch! How juvenile is that.

Well, after I left the witche's office, it was small group therapy time. the first ten minutes consisted of us saying our names and telling our stories. I was so bored that I fell asleep. After being woken up by a not so happy instructor, I decided that my nails needed to be filled.

the rest of the day was pretty boring except when I got to be with Chase. Not soon enough was it bedtime, and I crashed on the uncomfortable. Soon, I found myself thinking of Chase right before I fell asleep.

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