Chapter 8: Chase

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We searched high and low for Connor. It was like she wanted to put me in more pain and hid from me. I knew that wasn't true, but i was in so much pain, that I was drawing stupid and silly conclusions. Anyways, we had scoped out almost the whole castle, and then it hit me! Literally! A note tied to a small stone hit me on the head! I looked up to the staircase above me and saw Connor smiling down at me. I smiled back and saw her look curiously at Parker. I called up to her, "Connor! Where have you been!? We have looked everywhere for you!"

"Sorry, I was at the library after the stupid therapy thing. I was checking out a few new books. The real question is where were you? You never showed up to therapy. And...ummm...not to be rude, but who the heck is this?" She called back to me.

"Hahaha! I'll explain everything once we sit down. Do you guys want to sit at the tables outside?" I said to both Parker and Connor. I didn't get a response, so I assumed it was my decision. We then walked down the last couple of flights of stairs, and headed outside. We found a table near the edge of the grounds and sat down. I introduced Parker, and started to tell Connor what happened. But as I got to the part about how Parker unlocked the gate, Connor shrieked and clasped her hands to her mouth. "What? What happened? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Wait, what did Parker do?" she responded.

"Ummm he picked the lock I guess," I responded curiously. 

"No way! NO WAY! You are the answer! Haha who knew?! I know I didn't. What a turn out!" She said. And then she started laughing hysterically.

Parker looked at me with a very confused look on his face. "She does not usually do this, I swear'" I whispered to him. 

Once Connor finnally calmed down, she explained herself. "I have been forming a plan on how to get out of this place, as you know. And you know how I told you that I was working out some of the kinks? Well one of the kinks was figuring out how to unlock a lock. I've been wondering what we were going to do and now I have the answer. Will you help us Parker? I promise you can come with us if you do."

"Well I will help you, but I don't want to leave. Home isn't much better for me, and I really need to stay. My parents said if I am not there when they come to pick me up, then they won't pay for my art school, and I really need to go to art school."

"Are you sure you can't come with us bro?" I asked.

"Ya. But I promise I will do whatever to help you guys out. But, you have to make me one promise."

What's that?" Connor rsponded to him.

" We have to be friends once this is over. I don't know you as well Connor, but you guys are pretty cool. I don't have as many friends where I come from, so this is great." Parker said,

Connor and I looked at eache other. We barely knew this kid so we had the right to question this. But, Connor had this twinkle in her eye, and I knew that Parker, Connor and I would be good friends. So we promised him we would be friends even after we got out of this joint. 

After that, even though I was anxious to hear Connor's plan, I agreed to tell her the rest of what happened with me an Parker.

FInally, after my story and about a million questions from Connor, I got around to asking her to tell her plan... 

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