Chapter 3: "A prodigy's first steps"

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The next day dawned with a heavy weight upon Naruto's shoulders as he made his way to the kitchen, his heart heavy with anticipation and dread. As he entered the familiar room, he found Minato and Kushina waiting for him, their expressions etched with guilt and sorrow.

"Naruto," Minato began, his voice faltering slightly as he met his son's gaze. "We need to talk to you."

Naruto's heart sank as he listened to his parents' words, a sense of foreboding washing over him. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, he braced himself for what was to come.

With a heavy sigh, Kushina spoke next, her voice trembling with emotion. "Because of the prophecy, Naruto, we can no longer allow you to train with us," she explained, her eyes brimming with tears. "I know you just started, but Jiraiya has advised us that your presence will only hinder Mito and Haruki in fulfilling their destiny."

Naruto's world seemed to crumble around him as he absorbed his parents' words. The sense of rejection and betrayal cut deep, leaving him feeling lost and alone.

"But I won't hold them back! I promise I'll keep up!" Naruto pleaded, his voice trembling with desperation. "Please, let me continue training with you!"

Minato and Kushina exchanged a sorrowful glance, their hearts breaking at the sight of their son's anguish. But despite their own pain, they knew they had to stand firm in their decision.

"I'm sorry, Naruto," Minato said softly, his voice filled with regret. "But Jiraiya is right. We can't risk jeopardizing Mito and Haruki's training. You need to understand."

With tears streaming down his cheeks, Naruto nodded numbly, his heart heavy with grief and disappointment. In that moment, the pain of rejection felt almost too much to bear.

As his parents offered their apologies, Naruto's resolve hardened. Without another word, he turned and ran from the house, his feet carrying him swiftly to the one place he knew he could find solace - the old shinobi library.

Arriving at the decrepit library once again, Naruto pushed open the doors and stepped inside, the familiar scent of dust and parchment enveloping him like a comforting embrace.

Here, amidst the relics of a forgotten era, Naruto sought refuge from the pain and turmoil of his own life. With tears still staining his cheeks, he found solace in the quiet solitude of the library, knowing that here, at least, he was free to be himself.

As Naruto sat amidst the stacks of ancient tomes, his mind whirled with questions and doubts. Why was it always him, the one who seemed to draw the short straw? Why couldn't he be the one destined for greatness, like his siblings Mito and Haruki?

Determination surged within him, a fiery resolve to prove himself in the face of adversity. He vowed silently to become a stronger shinobi than Mito and Haruki, to carve out his own path and prove to his parents and himself that he is special.

With renewed purpose, Naruto began to scour the library for scrolls on shinobi techniques, his eyes scanning the shelves for any hint of knowledge that could help him in his quest for strength.

And then, as if by fate, his gaze fell upon an old book tucked away in a corner, its title catching his eye: "The Basics of Chakra Utilization."

Intrigued, Naruto pulled the book from its resting place and began to read, absorbing the ancient wisdom contained within its pages. As he delved deeper into the text, he discovered the secrets of unlocking chakra, the life force that fueled all shinobi techniques.

Excitement coursed through Naruto's veins as he absorbed the knowledge, his determination burning brighter than ever before. With newfound confidence, he wanted to try unlocking his own chakra, to take the first step towards mastering the shinobi arts.

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