Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"Your utterly hopeless"

Jumping I glanced over at the Ami, "What ever do you mean" I forced myself to turn to her she flopped beside me at the lunch table.

"You keep watching him from afar" She muttered with a frown. "But you never tell him how you feel"

"Ami-I just" I bit my lip and looked away. "I've cared about him sense middle school-and now its our last year and I feel like I cant say it because I've taken so long"

"Look-he'd be lucky to have you, he must be dense to not notice how you are around him. Your practically dating already" she winked. "Just tell him already"

"You know what-I think today is the day" I stood up and brushed my hands down my skirt and made my way towards his group.

"Hey Miya" Ren gave me a welcoming smile and dragged me into a warm hug.

"Ren" I let out a little yelp when I smacked into him and instantly melted into his chest. "You can't just man handle me" I let out helplessly trying to untangle myself from him.

"Yeah Ren you cant hog her all to yourself" Kaito let out and again found myself in another bear hug.

"Look guys-" I muttered out against a hard chest.

"Kaito" Ryu let out. "You have to give her room to breath" Another set of hands pulled me again and I gave a little sign.

This was a every day occurrence, and one of the reasons I'd yet to have a chance to tell him. Unlike the others Ryu was always gentle and gave a loose hug before letting me straighten myself up again.

"You guys" I let out flustered. "Are going to get me in trouble again"

"With who" Ren looked confused

I smacked my face lightly with my hand. "You know your fan clubs" I crossed my arms. "Last time it took a month for them to leave me alone"

"Oh them" Ryu grinned his green eyes sparkled with mischief as he ran a hand through his red hair. "That was my fault if I remember"

"Yeah it was" I huffed.

"I just walked you home" He gave a innocent shrug. "But dont forget Sasaki was with us so..."

My eyes flicked to Sasaki, whos head had popped back up from his phone at the mention of his name. Unlike the rest of the group he had never given me a hug or welcomed me so warmly. He after all was as sociable as a black cat.

"I was going to your house anyway" He shrugged. "Of course I would be with you then"

"Sasaki" Ren huffed. "You should cherish the time with Miya" he let out and draped his arm over my shoulder. "She is after all my best friend"

I felt myself blush. "Ren-after school do you want to hang out? I wanted to ask you about something"

His eyes flicked to me and smiled. "Yeah we can grab some ice cream. That new shop just opened up."

"Your the one who likes-" I started to speak but stopped myself. "That sounds fine"

"Okay see you then Miya" he ruffled my hair again and bumped Kaito with his first. "We gatta go PE is next and I heart Mr. Wes has been on a war path today"

"See ya Miya" I got a chorus of goodbyes from the guys and watched them leave.

"So-" Ami let out as she popped up besides me.

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