The meeting part 3

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*deku texts back saying [What's up still kinda busy right now] *Bakugou replied*

"you still with Uraraka?

Deku: [Yeah why?]

*Bakugou sighs and texts with a clear annoyed tone*

"get your ass here! we're about to go do a rescue mission"

Deku: [Alright I'll be there in a few minutes- Hi this is Uraraka Speaking i took Izuku's phone. STOP BLOWING UP HIS PHONE WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING!]

*Bakugou's eye twitched when he heard Uraraka talking, Bakugou sent a long angry reply*

"it's not my fault your boyfriend is a dumbass and doesn't know how to balance his work and private time, this is our hero work, this should be a priority for you, tell him to get here right now!

Uraraka: [He works 7 days out of the week CONSTANTLY, Give him a damn break!]

**Bakugou's anger kept getting the better of him**

"i can't believe you're backing him up! if he cares so much about balancing his work and free time then he should be here rather than wasting time with you!"

Uraraka: [Oh shut up Bakugo, Your just mad i didn't date you when you asked me out, No fuck off he's not coming in- Hello this is Deku speaking i finally got my phone back I'll be in soon]

**Bakugou slammed his head on the table, he was really getting pissed off at this point**

"Deku, you dumbass, get your ass here or be ready to explain to the higher-ups why you didn't join the mission!"

Deku: [Yeah Yeah I'll be there soon]

**Still annoyed by this, Bakugou sent another long text**

"just get here as soon as possible alright? we're about to start the mission so hurry up"

*deku didn't reply*

*Bakugou was getting seriously annoyed now, Deku just wouldn't reply**

"why is he not replying? if he's still busy with Uraraka then... oh god he better not be-"

Tenya: Bakugo calm down he'll come when he's free to leave... Trust me you have 0 clue what it's actually like having a partner that's horny Mei wouldn't let me leave are bedroom for a week after her period she was demon *he shivers scared remember the memory*

**Bakugou couldn't help but feel a bit better after Tenya's words**

"Yeah... I guess you're right. It's just hard not to worry when we're supposed to be on a mission together..."

Tenya: I understand it's completely normal for that to happen, Just be a little more mind full about what he's going through with her *he shivers again*

**Bakugou listened to Tenya's words, it didn't make him less annoyed but it did make him remember something**

"i guess i am being a bit extreme about this... i know they're dating so i should expect this from them... i can't believe i'm saying this but i really hope they don't take too long."

**Bakugou then shook his head to clear his mind**

"it doesn't matter, i care more about his hero work than this, i just hope he shows up soon.

Tenya: He will, He loves his job he has since we were back in UA*

*Bakugou smiled a little when he heard that statement**

"i know he does love his job, and he'll show up for sure....i know if i was in his situation though that i would've left immediately, but him, he's a different story"

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