The Exhaustion/The awakening

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For the past 13 weeks, Katsuki Bakugo slept horribly, He'd get maybe 2 hours in each day Some days none at all, he would always come back though, Even if he was exhausted even if he had a hangover, He'd always come back to see her, He'd talk to her even if she couldn't talk back, Even if you thought she couldn't hear him He'd talk tell her about his Night and morning before coming it was a thing that always happened, He'd go home Drink, Smoke Pot, Watch TV Go at a party if he felt like it, Something to keep his mind off of the fact the love of his life is unconscious, Then He'd go home sleep or drink some more before going to the hospital, He had dark circles under his eyes eye bags that looked so heavy a burden he had to carry by himself because he didn't know how to talk with people He couldn't open up about this, This was to hard for him to open up, Even Kirishima tired he didn't open up he just ended up getting kicked out, Over the past 13 weeks He'd gotten several tattoos he was to scared to originally get worried about the pain, He wasn't worrying about it anymore because he wanted the pain he wanted pain so he didn't feel the emotional and mental pain that plagued him non-stop everyday, for the past 91 days, 12 hours, 10 minutes and 18 seconds He'd been in pain...

He was at the hospital now absolutely exhausted again, But this time it was worse he struggled to keep his eyes open let alone understand what was happening around him, He kept watching her until he closed his eyes for a little longer than he intended to and feel asleep, While one falls asleep another woke up, A Women that hadn't been awake in 13 weeks roughly 91 days, She opened her eyes confused her head hurt it felt like her world was spinning, Spinning out of her control she felt slightly nautiaus, And confused so she looked around and say she was attached to some machine she soon realized the machine was breathing for her, which kinda pissed her off she didn't like the fact some thing was helping her breath when she could do it herself, She looked around and finally saw him, Her heart-shattered seeing him look like that, She saw the exhaustion written all over his face his body his energy, Everything screamed exhausted. She tears up seeing this, She saw the pain, the anger, and the sadness, the truth was he was struggling with this fact. She could tell, He blamed himself for what happened to her, She started to cry tears of worry and sadness ran down her face like a waterfall, She was so tired, So exhausted her body hurt her mind hurt now her heart hurt, it hurts for him, She saw his face contort into one of Hurt, Anger, Rage, Pain, Sadness, and regret, he started to whimper 3 tears rolled down his face he grunted out it seemed he was having a nightmare, So she struggles to move her hand but she manages, she moves her hand over to his and gently held his hand with hers, She cried, trembled for him, She rubbed his hand with her thumb trying to calm him down, The second her hand held him he calmed down, His face went from scrunched up pain rage and sadness, To calm, peaceful, quiet, this was the first time He'd been so calm in several agonizingly long weeks. But he was calm, She cried for a while she didn't know how long it had been but eventually, the exhaustion hit she tried her best to stay awake but soon all she saw was darkness and sleep took her away When she fell asleep he woke up he checked his phone to check the time, and saw it had been 8 hours he was shocked he hadn't slept like that for 2 months he re-adjusted himself and realized someone was holding his hand so he looked down confused and saw it was Ace's hand, His heart hammered in his chest he looked at her her face was puffy and red ger tear stained cheeks was a sign she had woken up, He stood up immediately and gently shook her tears pricked his eyes, He almost gave up when to Beautiful Cobalt Blue Eyes popped open to meet Dark Red eyes that had so many different emotions swimming through them, Happiness, Reilf, Love, joy but still had the same regret in there somewhere

Bakugo: "A-Ace? Is this some cruel dream, Are you really awake?"

Ace couldn't respond she had a tube down her throat, so she pointed at it and he knew what she meant, so he ran out and got a doctor. A few minutes later the tub was removed and she was able to breathe on her own, But unfortunately, she wasn't able to talk her throat would need a few days to settle before she would be able to talk properly again

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