Dedicated to Angus Ecrivain
and all my friends at ForbiddenPlanet, (Now known as Ooorah)
without whom many of these stories would never have been written.
This is a promotional 'book' only. All of these stories have been on wattpad in the past (a few are still here), but I've put them all together in a book, which is now available as a FREE download on Amazon, Smashwords and other ebook stores.
Star Clash is a collection of my science fiction short stories.
You will find a variety of sub-genres amongst these tales, ranging from Galactic Empire, to Spunky Heroine, to Zombie Apocalypse. Most of them were written as entries for various Smackdowns. A Smackdown is an elimination-round competition, where the participants are provided with a series of prompts—anything from pictures, to quotations to song lyrics— a sub-genre, and a word limit.
Smackdowns are a lot of fun, as well as suggesting plots and characters which are outside a writer's usual comfort zone. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.
Star Clash, the first story, was a winning entry and the prompt was the first six paragraphs, written by Angus Ecrivain.
Star Clash
Emerald Warrior
Io Colony
Black Death
Crime Fighter
Guns and Guys
Available as a FREE download on Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords etc
Ebook version only - the paperback still costs money!
Star Clash
Научная фантастика"Perfectly happy in our tertiary star system, its thirteen life sustaining worlds more than sufficient to house our modest population of almost eighty billion, we thought we were untouchable. Then they came. Humans. They looked like us, walked l...