Ready to Die, Sweetheart?

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                                                                  "Try not to die, Surgeon."



The alleyway in Mirai's vision smelled of it, yet... there wasn't a drop of it in sight. Yes, it was night now, but there's no way their torches were that shitty. In fact, the beams were bright as ever, lighting up the whole alley.

Mirai's senses were on high alert, her mind grappling with the inconsistency between what she saw and what she expected. Something was amiss, and the absence of blood only added to the growing sense of unease gnawing at her insides.

"This isn't right. What the hell is happening?" Mirai mutters under her breath, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she scans her surroundings, searching for any clue that might give her an idea of what was happening.

And it seems Law's thoughts didn't differ from her own when he speaks up and says in a shaky voice, "Seer-ya, I thought you said Bepo-ya would be here."

Mirai's attention snaps back to Law, his words cutting through the tense atmosphere like a knife. She could hear the desperation in his voice– it was hard to miss.

"He was supposed to be," Mirai confirms slowly, her mind racing to piece together the fragments of her vision. "Perhaps we're too late," she guesses, not sounding too convinced, though.

"Obviously," the doctor replies snarkily, his patience wearing thin, "I thought you could see the future."

Mirai is hardly offended by his snappy tone– His crew was missing and injured for fuck's sake, of course he'd be worried. "I can. Changing the future is harder than you think. There's absolutely no way it happened this easily...'' she trails off in uncertainty before her eyes narrow in thought. "Unless..." Mirai's mind races through the possibilities, her thoughts swirling with the beginnings of annoyance. If what she was thinking was true, Law was about to kick her ass into next week.

"Unless?" he prods.

She pivots on her foot, scanning the area with new found determination. "Give me a second," she states. "I need to get a better point of view."

Law merely crosses his arms, silently observing the seer in curiosity and impatience as she walks further into the dead-end alley. "What the hell are you doing? We don't have time to play detective. Look into the future and be done with it."

Mirai chuckles dryly. "If that was how it worked, I would've already done that." She halts after a few steps before beckoning Law over. "Trafalgar, stand here," she orders, pointing next to her.

Law rolls his eyes, but complies, standing where she wished. "Here?"

Mirai hums in approval. "Now crouch."

"Okay...?" Law does so, albeit hesitantly.

Mirai copies him, staring intensely at the ground– Where Bepo's beaten body lay in her vision.

Something doesn't add up.

She looks up, narrowing her eyes in concentration before standing back up.

"Can I stand, yet?" Law questions with a scowl. "My legs are fucking dying," he complains.

"Just wait," Mirai replies, ignoring the stink eye she got in return. She takes a few steps back, taking the scene in before huffing in annoyance. "Yep, I knew it."

"What?" Law questions, standing to his full height as his legs finally got the relief they desperately needed. "What is it?"

"We're in the wrong place," the seer states plainly, sighing deeply at her vital mistake. "It just looks really similar."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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