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J went into the bathroom, and began wrapping bandages around her waist, where V had dug her nails into her back. J's back was bleeding a little. V sat idly for over at least 5 minutes, just staring at the door and waiting for you to come back. After a while she looked down, it's clear she's worried about you. She'd stand, opening the door and looking around. It didn't take long till she decided to check the bathroom. J, meanwhile, just kept carefully and slowly wrapping the bandages around. Halfway done. V had spotted J, her eyes widened and she immediately looked concerned. She slowly walked over and then stopped, looking and studying J's back as J was carefully wrapping bandages around it. She seemed genuinely worried now.

" Can I see..? "

V had asked, hoping J'd let her have a look. J sighed, before unwrapping those bandages, letting V look.

V looked at your back and was genuinely shocked when seeing the damage done. She sounded horrified, like she just seen a horrifying scene. She had then stepped slightly closer, putting a hand on J's back, she seemed.. mad.

" WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING!? " J let out a small cry when V put her hand on her back, and began shaking a bit, trying not to scream or sob. The smallest bit of pressure on those cuts hurt. V had immediately pulled her hand off J's back after hearing J's small cry. She felt horrible for putting J through that pain even for a second more. She sounded extremely concerned.

V sounded like she wanted to reach out to hug J, but felt too guilty to even try. J silently sat down, and just began putting bandages on her leg, where V's acid stung, and burned her. V looked shocked. she'd realized that J had gotten hurt in more than one spot. That made her feel worse but also she was still mad that you hadn't said something about the pain you were in. She'd stood there in silence, her face turning a deep red as she tried not to express the negative emotions she was feeling. J just decided to leave it at that, not bothering with her damaged back, or anything else. J stood up shakily. V noticed J had stood up. she seemed like she wanted to do something about the other wounds but couldn't put her thoughts into real words properly. Her face was still flushed in red, J could tell she was still mad at herself and trying to stay calm and not burst out crying or yelling at J.

..J then fell over. It was getting a bit much to bear.

V sounded extremely worried and concerned now since J had suddenly fell. She'd immediately ran over to support J so she wouldn't hit the ground. Her breathing was quick and heavy, J could tell she was concerned for her right now.

" J! Are you okay?! "

V would ask, holding J's body up so it was level with herself, this meant she was laying on her. she was being gentle, not wanting to cause J any more pain than she already have been through.

There was a lot of poison in V's acid. A lot of poison that J couldn't handle. And a lot of poison that had gotten into J's bloodstream through the cuts. V looked shocked, her face had gone pale now as she looked at how sick J looked now. That little cry out hurt her but the way J suddenly fell over was even more shocking. she held J's body up and carried you in a princess carry towards the couch.

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