HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 06: Up for the day 2/2

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[Last where we left off (after the pilot), you woke up in the morning, went downstairs and prepared breakfast for everyone. They all loved the food you made. After that, you cleaned up everyone's dishes after they were done eating. Vaggie came in and offered to help you. You both got to washing to dishes. She then did some interrogation on you, thinking you weren't really a good guy as you thought. You did your best and try convincing her you have no bad blood or any bad intentions to do any harm to the hotel. She doesn't believe it but she would keep her eye on you. When she left, Alastra came in and did her best to console you, promising you she protect you if anything were to happen to you. You appreciate it but you had no bad feelings towards Vaggie for you understood her. You went to take a break in your room until you heard a knock and see it was Charlie. She asks for help and you gladly agreed. Now we role back to see what she wanted.]

*In the main lobby, you and Charlie were in the middle of a beginning discussion*

Charlie: "Soo, since it's the morning. I was thinking we go around and give out fliers for the Happy Hotel!"

(Y/N): "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, after yesterday's event, the news is still fresh in everyone's minds. The moment they see you, they will make fun of you."

Charlie: "I know, I know... It's a very high risk and I don't like the thought of being laughed at but these are my people and I don't wish to give up on them, no matter what. It'll be okay Y/N. Trust me."

(Y/N): "I...." *Sighs* "Okay..I will but I will not tolerate the denizens if they do laugh at you."

Charlie: "I understand but it'll be okay, I promise." *She smiles*

(Y/N): "Hmmm. Alright. I can't refuse to that happy smile."

Charlie: "Goodie!" *Giggles happily*

Vaggie: *She walks downstairs* "Don't forget about me. If someone were to come and hurt you, I will not hesitate to fight back."

Charlie: "Oh Vaggie. How long have you been there?"

Vaggie: "I was upstairs listening on in what you were planning to do. No one's touching my princess." *Brings out her spear*

Charlie: "Well alrighty! Let's get going guys!"

Vaggie & (Y/N): *They nodded*

Charlie: "Husk! We'll be back soon! Please hold down the fort till we make our return."

Husk: *Drinking alcohol while sitting at his bar. He nodded while drinking*

*So you, Charlie and Vaggie made your way into Pentagram City. As you walked into the city, you all began passing out fliers to the local denizens or putting them up. Unfortunately, no good results came to be. The denizens would mock you all from afar or close by because of the "stupid" redemption idea, they would either discard the fliers or eat them, few would tear them up wherever they're posted. This made Charlie sad no one is giving it a try but at the same time, it made you and Vaggie angry at them. These sinners. Are they this arrogant and prideful of not wanting to try again? Are they happy with themselves what they turn out to be in the afterlife? Or are they too ashamed of themselves to even deserve a second chance? You can never know their answer. You just have to tough it out being around them. This whole thing lasted for an hour straight*

Charlie: *Holding out a flier* "I tell you, redemption is a wonderful idea! Don't you want a second chance to redo your mistakes and travel to a better after life? Heaven is always welcome for your stay! Yes, it's a longshot but how else will you make the jackpot? No more will you have to face damnation, punishment or misery! You deserve to be forgiven, even if you make horrible choices when you were alive, it's not too late to own up to it and change for the better!"

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