Part 4- The Princess Lounge

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It takes a little while for Zemo to calm himself, eventually he collects himself and slowly stands back up as he walks to where you were in the bathroom. He hesitates for a moment before knocking on the door.

He knocks softly waiting for you to open it and talk to him. He understands this time he can't just force you to talk to him.

I manage to collect myself long enough to open the door. "Yeah?"

Zemo is a bit surprised that I even opened the door but he's glad I haven't completely shut him out. "Can I come in?"

"I'll come out there." I still can't look at him as I walk past him. I sit on the couch, still a bit emotional but controlling it for now. "So now that we had our breakdowns, anything you want to say?"

Zemo speaks and his words sound sincere, "Just that I'm sorry, for everything I've put you through and for not listening. I'm just...I know I'm a lost cause."

I look at him in surprise, was he actually apologizing. "How do I know you're not lying. Trying to manipulate me again?" I was still cautious, because I knew it would be too easy to forgive him. Yes Bucky was my strength, but Zemo was my weakness.

Zemo looked down then, as he stood there. "I may have broken you in the past...that doesn't mean I intend to do it again. I've never realized how terrible I was. I don't expect you to forgive or trust me again. But I would like another chance. I know that I lost you before, but if you will just let me I want to try to rebuild what we had. Will you let me try?"

"I...don't know." I look up trying not to cry, "I want to still hate you, I should...but I can't." I hated admitting that to him but it was the truth.

Zemo seems surprised with how open and vulnerable I was being, it wasn't like me to be this open,especially with him. But he likes it. He looks at me now and I see a glimmer of hope in them.

"Like I said before actions speak louder than words." I reply, If you really have changed. Prove it."

"How do I do that?"

I look him straight in the eyes then, "Help us fight against the flag smashers. For all of us not just your means. And don't try and control me or Bucky again."

Zemo sighs, seeming a bit relieved. "That shouldn't be a problem, I do want to try and make amends especially with you and Bucky."

"Another thing..." An idea sprang to mind but it was a big ask and a big risk both for him and me to trust him.

Zemo looks at me curious.

"Help me take down Hydra. I know Bucky just wants to be done with it but I want to end them. I want to save The Widows as well." I look at him judging his reaction.

Zemo seems shocked by this but he nods with a smile. This is basically all he ever wanted. I'm offering him a chance to right all his wrongs that he's committed under them and to do it with me.

"If we do this, can I trust you? To not just brainwash me back into Hydra again?" I ask serious.

"You can. I promise." Zemo doesn't hesitate as he looks back with that same serious expression.

"Ok then. Well I guess now we just wait to tell Sam and Bucky." I appear far more calm then I am. How the hell was I going to make Bucky understand?

I get up then, going into the kitchen to pour a drink as Zemo sits thinking about everything. I walk over to Zemo handing him a glass. "Here. You'll need it."

Zemo nods in thanks and takes the glass, drinking from it, this would definitely come in handy after I tell Bucky.

I can't help but smirk, sitting back down. I was nervous about talking to Bucky but I felt calmer than I had been.

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