Rebirth of The Widow- A Prequel

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Inspired by Marvel dr memories I recieved. They all wanted their POVs told so here we are... I learned that I replace Natasha when she sacrifices herself in Endgame.

Endgame- Part 1

Another planet, another place., another time...
Lilianne Leandre' and Clint Barton or Shadow and Hawkeye as they were known, walked among the sand dunes and lakes, the sky a purple red color, an eclipse permanently graced this place. They walked up the steps of a stone monolith.
"This world would be beautiful any other time..." Lilianne observed. Yes any other time except when they were on a dangerous mission to get the infinity stones before Thanos did. And after what Red Skull had told them...
{To obtain the soul stone you must sacrifice that which means most.}
They knew what they had to do but not on who would do it....
Lilianne looked at Clint: You need to let me do this. I'm the only one who can.
Clint: frowns in disbelief, "Says who? Just because you have magic or entities around you doesn't mean you'll survive. You don't need to do this, it should be me. "
Lilianne shook her head, refusing, "You would die and we can't risk that, I won't let you."
Clint just looks at her, "Really think you can stop me?"
"Yes." Lilianne stares back not budging.

They stare at each other for a long while ,their heads together, until suddenly they are fighting ,both not letting the other go over the edge ,literally. But then Lili hits Clint with a burst of energy, knocking him away and jumps off the cliff. Clint is up then grabbing her by the wrist before she can fall.
"I told you to let me go." Lilianne's tone is soft though not harsh.
Clint is resolute as he grips tighter, "Not a chance."
"Please...just let me go, it's the only way." Lilianne pleads softly with him to understand.
"Lili..." Clint looks down at her, pleading with her as well to change her mind. To let it be him.
Before he can say more, Lili pushes away from the cliffside letting go, Clint tries to hold on but she slips from his grasp falling to the crater below.
Clint stares down in shock as a glowing yellow stone appears in his hand. Then realizing what had happened bursts into tears. "No...Lili, why I told you not too..." He sat their half expecting her to come back ,waiting for what seemed like hours until he realized she was truly gone...

What Clint doesn't see, once he's gone is Tony in his Iron Man suit quietly dropping to the ground as he sees a figure on the stone ground below. "Lili..." His eyes widened in realization. Then he notices her still breathing. "You're still alive? You're shadows must have broke the fall." He muses out loud.
"Jarvis health report now." He asks the super computer. {She is alive sir, but her vitals are low.}
Lili was healing but barely..."She needs help." Tony picks her up flying her out of the cavern.

Once upon the sand dunes he sees a bunch of vehicles and people dressed in military black step up. SHIELD. "We'll take her from here." A male voice says once Tony puts her down, he lets them pull her away, still partly conscience.

"Careful she can barely move." He says still in shock.
"we got her Tony, she'll be okay." Phil Coulson walks up.
Tony's eyes narrow, "How do you know?"
"I know someone who can help." Coulson answers.
"Not Fury." Tony says not trusting Nick Fury to do anything right ot moral.
Coulson gives a firm shake of his head, "No he's still in hiding. Plus we need someone who knows what she can handle. Inside and out..."
Tony's eyes widen, "Not...Zemo?! You can't be serious." Tony gets into Coulson's face then. Speaking of morals or lack thereof....
Coulson looks him in the eye not backing down, "He's the only one we know who would be willing to help her and do what needs to be done."
"She's like a daughter to me, I'm not letting her anywhere near that-"
Coulson cuts him off, "She IS my daughter, I won't let anything bad happen to her but I won't let her die either. So are you with us?"
Tony looks away angry for a moment, conflicted. Then finally says, "Fine. But just help her ,don't let her suffer."
"We won't. Just...Tony don't tell The Avengers about this. It's better they think Lili dead for now. Especially Bucky." Coulson gave Tony a warning look at that.
Tony nodded subdued. "Yeah fine. I won't." With that promise Tony watches as SHIELD takes Lilianne away. Hoping this would work. and not backfire like all those other times....

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