The bus ride

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All of the students clamber onto the bus, excited for the three weeklong camp trip.

 Buzz Buzz had asked Camel if he wanted to sit next to him on the 2-hour bus ride. Camel had agreed to sit next to Buzz Buzz for two reasons. One, he had no one else to sit with, and two, he had had a secret crush on Buzz Buzz since they had met, as soon as he laid eyes upon him, he knew he was the one (so *sob* cute *sob*).  

Camel and Buzz Buzz settled into their seats, Camel, sitting by the window, glanced over at Buzz Buzz, his heart beating faster. 

 The sun coming in through the window lit up Buzz Buzz's golden hair, making it glow like fresh honey, all Camel could think about was running his hand through it His eyes were sparkling like the crystal-clear ocean on a cloudless day. 

 Camel could swim in his eyes forever. Buzz Buzz was talking, but Camel didn't hear a word he was saying, all he could see was Buzz Buzz's soft pink lips. They looked soft but strong at the same time, Camel imagined they tasted like chocolate, sweet and smooth.  

Camel was so lost in every tiny detail of Buzz Buzz's beautiful face that he didn't hear Buzz Buzz saying his name. "Hey Camel, what you looking at?", "Oh ah nothing" Camel mumbled in embarrassment, "I'm just tired, that's all" he said with his cheeks heating up, he then turned to the window so he didn't have to face Buzz Buzz. Buzz Buzz smiled to himself knowing exactly why Camel wasn't responding. He thought to himself, 'God, Camel is so cute'. 

 For the first hour of the drive Camel and Buzz Buzz ate snacks, talked and played games. Then, as Camel had said earlier that he was tired, at about halfway, he fell asleep.

 He had fallen asleep with his head resting on the window, but every time they went over a little bump his head kept thudding onto the window. At a particularly big bump Camel's head bounced off of the window and onto Buzz Buzz's shoulder.

 Buzz Buzz didn't want to wake Camel's peaceful sleep, so he let Camel rest on his shoulder. Buzz Buzz took out his headphones gently, so he didn't wake Camel, and pressed play on his music. He rested his head back on the seat and closed his eyes, he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. Buzz Buzz and Camel where woken by a sudden cheering in the bus. 

Buzz Buzz rubbed his eyes groggily realising that he had fell asleep and where now at the camp. Camel on the other hand was blushing furiously, embarrassed that he had fallen asleep on Buzz Buzz AND drooled on him... But he was also excited, Buzz Buzz hadn't pushed him off!

 The whole bus was cheering and whooping, giddy to finally get off the bus and stretch their legs. Buzz Buzz looked over at Camel to see his face was flushed with colour. Buzz Buzz looked away with a satisfied smile.  

camping trip (gay addition)Where stories live. Discover now