huaa wibibibibi huaaaaa wibibi (sleep)

11 2 5

 was getting dark outside as the teachers called them in to line up for dinner. they grouped back together after getting their food trays and sat down on one of the lunch tables nearing the back.

As the boys were chatting and eating in an excited manner, all Camel could think about was Buzz Buzz moving around next to him. Every time Buzz Buzz moved Camel got a little bump since they were pressed together. 

Buzz Buzz was the first to finish his meal, he was resting his elbows on the table and chatting to Happy who was sitting across from him. He moved his right hand down under the table and placed it onto Camel's thigh casually. 

The only person who noticed was Dopey who was sitting on the other side of Camel, Dopey looked at Buzz Buzz's hand resting on Camel's thigh then looked up at Camel with raised eyebrows.

 Camel, who was going bright red, stood up in a hurry. Buzz Buzz's hand slid off of his leg as Camel stood up, "I've, uh *cough* got to go to the bathroom real quick. . ." Camel spluttered.

 Dopey stood up to "yeah I've got to go too" he said looking over at Camel. Camel sped off in the direction of the exit with Dopey stumbling behind trying to catch up. "Hey Camel wait up!! Slow the fuck down I'm not gonna be a dick you know." Exclaimed Dopey as they were outside of the dinning hall.

 "Then why did you follow me here?!" said Camel bitterly not turning to face Dopey, Dopey running to catch up. "Look I don't want to talk about it ok?" Said Camel, he could feel the tears building up. 

Dopey grabbed Camel's arm stopping him in his tracks. Dopey could see Camels shoulders shaking, he instantly felt a wave of empathy for Camel, "hey Cam, come here man" Dopey tugged Camel around and wrapped him up in his arms. 

"Did you finally fucking realise how much Buzz Buzz likes you? Because for the rest of us it is so painfully obvious, you guys are the only ones how don't realise" Dopey let out a laugh that was so soft it sounded more like a sigh. 

dopey brang him in for a hug. he was about a half a head taller than Camel, so he was resting his chin on Camel's head. 

Camel was gently sobbing into the curve of Dopey's neck, Dopey was gently rubbing up and down Camels back, "Shh shh shh" Dopey gently whispered to Camel as he eventually stopped crying. Dopey stepped back and held Camel at arm's length away ducking his head to he was looking into Camels downcast eyes "do you want me to tell the others you weren't feeling good so you went back to the cabin?" Asked Dopey quietly. Camel gave a little nod, " you wanna walk back to the cabin with me or do you want to go alone." Asked Dopey this time with a more worried tone. "Can you come with me" asked Camel, embarrassed. "of course" replied Dopey guiding Camel with one hand on his back. 

They trudged up the path that led back to the cabins, they walked through the empty hall ways stopping outside their room. Dopey fumbled with the key in the darkness but eventually got the door open. He flicked on the light and the room was illuminated with a yellowish glow. Dopey guided Camel over to Buzz Buzz's bunk as it was the closest bottom bunk.

 He sat Camel down and started untying his shoes "Buzz Buzz can sleep in your bed tonight, I'm sure he'll understand" Dopey said in a whisper.

 Came took his shoes off while Dopey puffed up the pillow and pulled back the blankets for Camel to crawl into. Camel cuddled up into the blankets that were threaded with the scent of Buzz Buzz. 

Dopey switched the light off and closed the door, sealing Camel in the darkness. Camel didn't fall asleep straight away, he couldn't there was too much going on in his head. 'Why am I feeling like this?' Camel thought to himself. 'I like him. . . I think he likes me? I'm so confused. This is what I want, right? I know he likes guys, he was dating Jerry in term two, so he must. But do I like guys? I think I do, I mean I got HARD just looking at him, so. . .'  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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