DNA Test 2

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S- "We are about to know what the real truth is, are you ready?"

A-"Yes, this will not change anything between us I assure you."

As a result, he stated while opening the DNA envelope, "We are not siblings." This was the line that worried me the most, yet it also gave me a strange sense. We are not, I said as I looked at the piece of writing with my own eyes. We both remained still, trying to figure out how my mother and his grandmother had led us to believe we were siblings all along. What was the real truth behind this bogus story? Did they truly not know we weren't siblings, and if they did, why did they make us get closer to each other since the first time?


Sebastian and I decided to confront our parents about the incident; we were both skeptical about the situation. "mom, Miss, we need to talk about this." As I handed my mother the DNA test, her face turned reddish-o and she passed the document to Sebastian's grandmother. "We have an explanation for this," both of them stated with a look of dis content on their faces. While crying, I clutch my mother's hands and ask one more time what explanation they had for us. "Believe it or not, you are your father's genuine daughter so is Sebastian." Mom said. I can't really tell you what's going on unless Sebastian's mother lets me, Mom said. Sebastian's grandmother turned to my mother and said it was time to tell the truth to both of us. "What's the truth?" Sebastian asked. You are my grandson, but you are not your parents' genuine son; you are my late daughter's son; she died after giving birth to you; at the time, your aunt and his husband decided to adopt you as their son, and they later divorced and your dad met Adriana's mother. "Adriana is an only child; she has never had another sibling, and all she knows is that she has an older stepbrother, so I decided to play alone so that both of you might see one other as siblings or at the very least as friends. This was also a means for me to keep you close to me, especially if you had a close relationship with your step sister.", said Sebastians grandmother. We both decided to get some air and went our separate ways; I had a lot to think about, and he undoubtedly had as well. It was many years of lying and attachment to each other, all for her own selfish reasons.

While traversing the streets, I suddenly remembered that Sebastian was not fluent in Spanish, and I was virtually his Spanish to English translator. I tried calling him to find out where he was, but there was no response. I looked everywhere for him but couldn't find him. Finally, I remember telling him about my favorite area and thinking he could be there I went to it before thinking twice. "You're here," he said, handing me a strawberry milk. "My favorite, thank you," I murmured as I accepted it. "what are your thoughts about all this situation" , he said. "Somehow shocking, I guess; I never thought something like this would happen to me or us. "What are you doing in my secreted base? "I said in the context of a shifting conversation. This was terrible for both of us, but it was more startling for him to discover that his parents weren't actually his parents. "You said you use this place to make decisions or think in something important or bothersome, you said this place helps you think things better, I wanted it to try I think this is the best situation for me," he added with tears welling up in his eyes. I hugged him and told him that everything between us would remain the same, that his parents loved him unconditionally, and that he was loved by many others, including me. We stayed there till late at night, when we decided to come home, and I asked him to have a decent conversation with his grandmother for more information about his condition.

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