Just you and I 3

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Sebastian's grandmother seemed very sad that he left earlier than anticipated. I was angry with her and my mother for lying to us about the siblings, so I wasn't in a position to console her. Sebastian and I continue to communicate throughout the next few days, but nothing seems to be the same. After just two months, I had packed up my belongings for university. Sebastian and I had decided early on in the accident that I would move in with him and study at the same university as him. When he indicated that he would take care of me while I was there, things were not as they are now. Despite my fear that things may not turn out as he had said, I went ahead and chose to find out. "Take care my beautiful daughter, and if Sebastian does not want you to leave with him then find another place and give him some space." Mom stated as we were bid each other farewell. In the replay I stated, "I know we will see about it I send him a message and let's see what happen." I had a lot of ideas for things to say to each other when we next saw each other as well as ways to end any misunderstandings while I was on the plane. 

After a fifteen-hour journey, I eventually arrived at the airport. Feeling anxious, I worried Sebastian might not be waiting for me, even though I had his address and contact information. What if he wasn't ready to see me yet? As I saw him while walking through the airport, I experienced an unexplainable feeling of joy in my heart. "My little one, you're here," he said. that comforted me and I could sense the warmth in his words. I gave him a hug and told him how much I was missing him. He answered, "Little one, I missed you." He gave me details to his house and indicated where my room will be going forward. I told him that I thought the space was lovely and that the colors were the ones I loved. He was majoring in engineering while I was studying accounting. My first semester was challenging in a manner, but he was there for me anytime I needed assistance.

We became more intimate and less awkward than we had been in the beginning as time went on. We had a two-week vacation at the end of summer, and I tried to talk him into traveling to Guatemala to see our relatives, but I guess he wasn't ready yet, so I went by myself.  I was bombarded with inquiries from his grandma and my mother as soon as I arrived home, asking about our relationship, whether he was upset, what it was like to spend more than five months with him, and other such topics. I answered every single one of them. I finally returned two weeks before classes started, having eaten and slept a lot while I was away. Sebastian wasn't expecting me to arrive any sooner than I had promised. "Sebas I'm home I brought many things for you to eat." Shouting, I walked in the door. When I walked in, I noticed the most bizarre scene I could have imagined. When another female was kissing Sebastian, he swiftly shoved her away and told me that everything was not as it seemed and that I had arrived earlier than expected. 

"No its okay I came to your house with out informing you, I think I should leave you alone." I stated that and left the place, but as soon as I did, I had a deep grief in my heart—a feeling that comes only from being in love—because Sebastian was my brother six months prior. How could I possibly love him? I felt deceived and depressed in a manner.


S- "Adriana we need to talk, its late you should come home now she left."

S- "My little one come home its late for you to be outside." 

S- "You must be surprised but its not what it seems. 

A- "It's okay you don't have to tell me your every move, take your time I'll stay at a friend's house today."

S- "You should come home she left already. Where are you, I'll pick you up. 

I stopped playing it again. Even though I knew I had no chance with him and knew my situation, I made the decision to give up this filling. this was for the best for both of us.  

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