Odd one out

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We finally landed at around 1:30 am in Munich.
I had slept almost the whole flight and didn't take advantage of the first class privileges. I get my luggage from the top compartment and my bag and leave to go get my other luggage from the conveyers. I take a cart and head over to station 16 where all the baggage from my plane was gonna end up in. A man seems to see me struggling to place all my bags on the cart. "Can I help?" The man says smiling. I'm pretty stubborn because I'm determined that I can do almost everything myself but I cave in because I'm too jet lagged. "Yes please." I say sighing.

"Thank you so much!" I say turning red. "No problem." the guy smirks. I finally leave the airport to catch the ride that was sent out for me to take me to my new place.

"Is this ride for Lauren?" I ask nicely. "Uh..." the man seems to be confused. "Ist diese Fahrt für Lauren?" I spoke a little bit of German since my mom was half German , but she only taught me so little.— "Oh ja, ich helfe dir mit den Taschen!" (oh yeah let me help you with your bags). The man gets out the car and helps me out the bags into the trunk.
We arrive at my supposed new apartment and the man takes all my bags up the stairs. The man hands me a new key. I take the key, "Danke!" I say. "keine Ursache." He responds (you're welcome). "Let me know if you need anything else, I will be your diver to where ever you need to go." The man says. "So you speak English?..." I say in shock. "I was just giving you a hard time." he responds giving me his number. —"Gero" he had mentioned his name before.

I take a glance around the place. It was very cozy and that's what I liked in a place. I had decided to take a shower to go to bed. I guess I'll unpack everything in the next few days. My project was in 2 days so I'll just use those days to adjust to this place. I grab my carry-on and get out all my makeup, hair products and in the next luggage, I got out a pair of grey sweat pants and an oversized black t- shirt. I wasn't in the mood for my Victoria secret pajamas. I get cozy in my bed and start to slowly fall asleep.

Clock reads 8:08 am

I wake up really cold and pull the covers over me. As I warm up I realized that I had a lot to do today, I had to unpack clothes and go to the market to get more groceries and get my toiletries. My fridge only had eggs, yogurt, milk, bread and water. I go into my carry-on to get a a comfortable outfit. I pick out a black cropped top with some low rise jeans.

I pick out some shades and some black heals to complete the whole look

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I pick out some shades and some black heals to complete the whole look. I let my brown hair down and do my makeup. I did the the same eye look I had done to go to the airport but only lighter. I grab my Dior bag Stella had gave me for my 20th birthday back in October of last year. I call Gero over to take me to the nearest Market. We arrive and he waits for me outside.

I was nervous that no one would be able to speak English but I was wrong. I was trying to find the avocados but couldn't find them anywhere. I couldn't live without avocados as I use them for about everything. I go up to a woman and ask "Do you know where the avocados are?" I say afraid she wouldn't understand. "Hallo, follow me." She says with a heavy German accent. I smile in excitement. "Thank you!" I say and stared to pick out my avocados. The lady smiles and walks away. After 20 minutes I had everything I needed for about 2 weeks since I live alone.

I continued to shop as the time went by quickly.

Gero had dropped me off so I decided to walk in the streets but trying to stay close to my apartment. All I heard was German and it reminded me of my mom. Me and her were really close and she would always teach me new things everyday. I was  somewhat good at speaking German and promised myself that I would never let go of that. I got so busy with my designing project and slowly started to forget that. I hated myself for letting go of those memories with my mom. My mom Tina. Tina capri...

I felt like bird who fell out of its nest. I was the odd one out. Hopefully I can start to fit in. I always had confidence in myself. In how I perceived myself. I wasn't easy. I was more stubborn but that's how I have always been.

The following days...

I had arrived at my the address that my boss had gave me. I call Gero to take me, I was excited to show off my new project for them. I had been working on this project for months and I really wanted to make this worth my time. I accepted the offer to redeem myself from the last outfit I had created. Who pours bleach and white dye on a black dress just because their dress already looked like a hot mess?! Whatever I just hoped the girl who ruins dresses and outfits isn't there. I Arrive to the abandoned like place put once I stepped foot in the place, my jaw DROPPED.

The place was stunning with sewing machines, fabric everywhere and the smell of glue and burning from the sewing machines being pushed to their limit. "Are you Lauren Capri?" A man said to me. He had slicked back hair, tattoos and the most stunning outfit I've seen a man wear.

"Yes I'm she" I say smiling, I was too nervous. "Come with me miss. Im Abel."He says and I follow." Do you know what you are gonna design miss?" "Yeah, I was thinking of very simple but stunning grape juice colored liked dress." I say knowing this dress will either be liked or LOVED.

I pull out my sketch book and show him every single detail of the dress waiting for him to say something. "Hmm..." he finally spits out. "We'll see miss." he says and walks away. I didn't say a word, I know I will prove him wrong. I walk around to get to know the place and see my name imprinted in a station. Oh.. my...god. Did they really imprint my name in a table?! Love it here already. Maybe...

After a long day I work and get to my apartment and pass out.

1 week later...

I finish the last touches on my dress and show it to Abel and he was silenced. "Did you really make this Lauren?" he said. "Yes I did." I say proudly.

(Keep in mind it was the 2000's)"Atemberaubend!" (Stunning)

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(Keep in mind it was the 2000's)
"Atemberaubend!" (Stunning). "I would like to introduce you to one of my newest coming designers, she also just moved here last week. Maria meet Lauren!" Are you actually fucking kidding me? Was that little miss outfit ruiner??......

.What do you guys think will happen???? I've been on a grind because I really have hope for this book. If not, like I said just for funsies lol. Don't forget to vote/share and feel free to comment ideas or thoughts!
Tom might be introduced in the next chapter... 🤫

Lost In Your Lust || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now