Only for the night

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I miss you mom...

"Lauren, Lauren wake up!" Stella says whispering. "Huh..?" I say opening my eyes to see Stella, Mell and Bill in front of me. "What happened, get up!" Bill grabs me, helping me up.

"Ah!" I yell out. I had fell asleep on the floor with all the broken glass. A piece of glass had cut the back of my arm. "What the fuck happened?" Mell said stepping away fromx the broken pieces of glass. "It was an accident, where where you guys?" I say in confusion.

"Bill had to go handle something with the guys and me and Stella went with." Mell said rubbing my shoulder. I didn't know what to say. My blood boiled at Bill for letting the girls go along with him. But it wasn't his fault, it was Tom's. There was nobody to blame but Tom.

"Here, how about you go get cleaned up and Stella and Bill help clean this up." Mell said while pointing her hand to the floor where all the plates were smashed. Mell follows me to the bathroom helping me discard of my clothes which had glass stuck to it.

I take off my off shirt, I felt so dirty. I hadn't showered since the "party". My body was aching out of pain. My eyes were red and my skin was pale and dull.

"How have you've been laur?" Mell says softly. "I'm okay, trust me, nothing happened to me, I'm okay." I say with a smile of reassurance. "I just need a shower." I say turning on the water. "Call me if anything, I'll help out Bill and Stella then." Mell says closing the door on her way out.

I get in and let all the bad memories wash down my body.

Flashback of 2001...

Younger Lauren & childhood best friend Noah in Brooklyn New York...

"Why don't we play dress up?"  Noah says locking the door. "Ah yes I love dress up!" Young Lauren says. "But this time, this game has to be a secret or else we can't be friends no more." Noah says holding a finger up to his mouth.

"Okay I don't want to lose you... but I wanna be the princess!!" Young Lauren squeals. "Let me dress you up." Noah starts to undress Lauren...

End of flashback


I need to move on. Noah is no longer in my life or Luke. I have healed from the past and now I have to heal from the present.

I get out of the shower and wrap my towel around me. I walk out and see the kitchen cleaned up, Stella was sitting on the kitchen table.

"I'm assuming that Bill told you about the whole gang delivery thing..." I say sitting on the chair across from her. "Yeah, he told me everything."
"Lauren what are we gonna do now? I like Bill and don't just wanna stop seeing him." Stella says worried. "I don't know what to do either. But we can get involved with that. You know how dangerous that can be." I say crossing my arms on the table.

"I need to go to work tomorrow, I can't miss any more days." I say getting up and walking to my room.

I get dressed in some comfortable clothes and do some self care. I wouldn't allow myself to look weak and sad over some dickhead.

It was about 7 pm and I had to get ready for bed. I felt a bit better after putting in some effort in my looks. "Hey Stella what are you doing?" I say throwing myself onto the couch where Stella was giggling at her phone. "Nothing, just texting Bill." She says continuing to text.

Lost In Your Lust || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now