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✮⋆˙Ship:Hyunlix (Hyunjin x Felix)

✮⋆˙Type of story :Smut

✮⋆˙Kinks/Warnings:ABO/Alpha omega elements/omegaverse,Knotting,Loss of Virginity,Scent Marking,Mating biting,



°❈°Hyunjin's Pov°❈°

Being an omega with no mate is so hard especially since I'm getting close to the age where people think it's weird that you haven't settled down and have pups yet. Not that I don't want to have them,I just want to wait for the right person.

"Come on Hyunjin,let's go to this speed dating at this cafe" Han Jisung,one of my best friends,pleaded with me as he held onto my hand. I glance over at his alpha Lee Minho as he just softly smiles at me.

He doesn't have a problem with me since I'm an omega and Minho and I have been friends since grade school. "Have a say in this?" I laugh as I know he's just biting his tongue.

"Do I really have to get involved in this?" He whines before Jisung turns to Minho and nods. "Fine, You don't want to be a crazy cat lady living alone forever do you?"

"Oh how encouraging coming from the alpha that has three cats" I pointed out before he rolls his eyes. He raises his middle finger to me before softly laughing.

"Yeah but at least I have-" Jisung smacks his thigh softly

"Get the rest of that sentence out and see where that gets you" Jisung cuts Minho's sentence off before he can say anything. I smell the scent of another Alpha coming up to me and wrap his arm around me.

Woodsy, kind of like cedar,Seo Changbin,Kim Seungmin's alpha and Jisung's other best friend. "Speed date huh? You should do it,this fell into your lap for a reason. Just give it a try, one of us can protect you" Changbin looks over at Minho.

"Seriously Changbin? You want me to? Jeez, bring a smart idea and you can't even carry it out." He slow claps before he rolls his eyes

"Minho,I have work that night, to support Seungmin and our pups" Did he say what I think he just said? He backs away from me leaning his head back with his hands behind his head while pacing. His scent got a bit stronger meaning that he's in distress.

"Changbin,calm down, will you? Mostly before the whole place smells you. But congratulations on that."

He sits down next to Minho since he didn't want his scent to affect the omegas too much. "I wasn't supposed to say until Seungmin is further along but they are thinking he's going to have a smaller litter."

"Is it risky?" Jisung asks as Minho notices he's fidgeting a bit holding his hand. Minho is soft for Jisung despite the way that he can act sometimes, it's just a guard he puts up.

Changbin looks down then looks at me and nods "Right now they aren't certain what will happen. It could go either way. But Hyunjin,please just go to this one and I won't bug you about a mate ever again"

"Fine,damn it" I cursed before texting my mother that I'll be late tonight. If anything,I want to get out of my parents house since I'm almost 23 now. But that's just one of the rules for omegas, they can't move out of the house until they have a mate. Then it's the mate's job to take care of them.

The waiter brings out our drinks as we raise our glasses "Here's to a new beginning" . We clink our glasses together but I hope they're right.

╚══ஓ๑۵♡۵ ๑ஓ══╝

Dressing up is so not my thing, well that's if you can call a button up white shirt and tight black pants dressing up. I walk into the cafe that has a long strip of tables combined together. I pay for the speed dating ticket since it comes with drinks as well before sitting down where they wanted me to sit.

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