Chapter 3 Part 5 'Frustrated love'

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Blue was covered in dirt everywhere. He had dug five deep small holes in the dirt. Pouring in the bones and covering the hole. 

He made sure the dirt was packed on top and looked natural. He would sometimes take a big rock, log or slab to cover the crude idea of graves of crushed bones. 

All through this Blue would glance around, he felt paranoid. It was 1 in the morning and he stood in the clearing.

He felt as if any second someone could pop out and see him. He doesn't exactly look like he's camping or hunting. 

Blue slowly put a hand over his eyes and wondered why he didn't know how to feel about this. He sighed and sat back on a fallen old tree. 

Blue stared down at the dirt. Why does he still feel bad, it's been a week since Pink's death. Yet he still felt a bit guilty.. What is love doing to him?

He's being consumed alive by the love for Cyan he's losing himself.

But who is not in love with Cyan, he is nothing without him. That's why he can't lose him, can't go without seeing Cyan wave to him every morning. 

He built his whole life around Cyan, his personality is what Cyan lies about him. He heard Cyan say that he would like to see him with shorter hair.

So he got a haircut.. Cyan told him he seemed like a poet or painter. So he painted.

Cyan liked his cooking, so he cooked more. Cyan said he liked his humor, so he kept that humor. Cyan said he liked him.. So he loved himself. Cyan said.. Cyan said.. 

Blue looked up seeing his shadow painted on the trees from the car headlights. He was about to get up when his phone buzzed with a notification he looked annoyed.

He'd at least- Check who it was. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now 

It was- Cyan. His annoyed attitude faded as excitement grew to be getting a text from him. Clicking on the notification and unlocking his phone quickly. 

His hands were going numb from the cold, tapping on the screen to look at Cyan's message. Blue smiled wide, his mood flicking as fast as a light switch.

‘I’m not coming to school for the rest of the week, look.’ 

There was then an attached photo of his message from Pink's phone. Blue grinned at this, typing on the screen.

‘Holy shit, are you okay? Tell her parents.’

Cyan took a while to reply, about 5 minutes. Where Blue quickly started to head back to the car, holding an empty trash bag. And shovel in one bag, the other his phone. 

‘I did, Pink's mom started yelling and crying over the phone. I feel horrible’ 

Cyan finally replied as Blue closed the car door. The inside was warm, but he still turned on the heat because his hands and face were freezing.

He took a few seconds to reply, pulling down his mask to breathe hot air on his cold hands. He then replied to Cyan, still smirking slightly. 

He won't get too cocky that everything is working out. Something is bound to go wrong eventually, but he'll be ready..

‘Don't feel bad, at least they know she's alive. Are they going to call the police?’

‘I don't know, I think so. I can't believe she ran away, she wasn't the type to do something like that.’.

‘I’m so scared Blue. So so scared’

Blue looks up into the woods, pulling his mask back up before looking back down and typing on his phone. 

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