#2: noticing each other

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On the same day, after classes

Myra exclaimed, "I'm so hungry, let's go and eat something!"
Rudy agreed, "Yep, let's go."

They headed towards the canteen.
When they entered canteen, Rudra noticed Aarohi reading a book while eating. He observed that she ate very little before leaving the canteen, assuming she must be on her way to the library.

"She's such a bookworm," Rudy thought to himself.
"Did you say something?" Myra asked.
No nothing, "Rudy replied .

While they both were having lunch at the canteen, a boy approached their table and said , "Hello guys, my name is Tejpreet

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While they both were having lunch at the canteen, a boy approached their table and said , "Hello guys, my name is Tejpreet . I'm in the same class as you. What are your names?"

Myra ignored him, but Rudy said, "Hi, I'm Rudra, and she's Myra."
But u can call me Rudy .

asked, "Can I join you for lunch?

"Yes, of course." Rudy replied.

Tejpreet asked , "Where are you from?"

"We are from Gwalior.
And you?"

"I'm from Chandigarh," Tejpreet replied.

He was about to ask another question, but Myra interrupted, saying, "Don't you think you ask a lot of questions?"

Myra retorted, "Shut your cake hole."

" That's so rude" ,Tejpreet responded.

"Don't be offended. She always talks like this, but she'll be fine once we get to know each other," Rudy assured.


While they were eating,
Myra said, "Give me the peas from your plate and take carrots from mine, Rudy.

Thats the rule .. i know , rudy replied.

Rudra noticed Tejpreet observing this, so he explained, "I don't like peas and she doesn't like carrots, so we always exchange."

"Looks like you two have known each other for a long time, Tejpreet remarked.
"Yep, it's been more than a decade. We're childhood best friends," confirmed Rudra.

Ohh that so great ...

"You talk so much , and your name its too long so we'll call u teju" Myra said .

I don't have any problem with this myra, Teju replied.

So lets exchanged phone numbers ,Teju added

"Ya sure " rudy replied

After that they went to their rooms.

At night, Teju called Rudy and said, "Hey Rudy, let's go hang out somewhere.
" Rudy replied, "Yeah, sure, definitely. I'll call Mara, and we'll meet at the campus main gate in 10 minutes."

The three of them went outside and visited some places, roaming here and there. After having dinner, they returned to the campus. When they entered campus Teju was talking to Myra and Rudy saw Aarohi returning from the campus, having a sandwich in her hand .

 When they entered campus Teju was talking to Myra and Rudy saw Aarohi returning from the campus, having a sandwich in her hand

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After seeing Aarohi, Rudy exclaimed,OMG, she has been studying in the library for the last 9 hours

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After seeing Aarohi, Rudy exclaimed,
OMG, she has been studying in the library for the last 9 hours. That's so unbelievable."

Teju heard him and asked, "Are you talking about the Aarohi??
Rudy was confused and asked Teju "How did you know her name?

"Because in the morning, the teacher took attendance for the whole class, So, I heard her name during that. Teju explained.

Myra's mood was already sour after seeing Aarohi ,but she asked Rudy, "are you so interested in her? or she's going to be one of your so called girls".

"It's not like that, Myra. she's not my type. I have standards, dude," replied Rudy.

Myra replied to Rudra, saying, "Yeah, I know. You're always like this. Whenever u talk about any girl you get close to the her . You talk to her hang out with her , And then when you get bored, you just left the girl without saying anything."

After listening to Myra, Rudra responded, "Really? Just come here. I'll show you."
Then he grabbed her by the neck and started pushing her, while Myra protested, "Hey, leave me. Leave me."

Aarohi noticed them playing and making cracking jokes over there, and she thought I don' understand these people. Rich dads, egoistic and careless, children.
And then she added, Why do I care? There are nobody to me, especially he, whatever his name. I really don't care.

Aarohi was just about to leave when Rudy noticed her looking at them. Rudy shouted, "Hey Aarohi, I got you! By the way, nice name. I like it. It suits you."

Aarohi was confused, wondering how he knew her name, but she left without saying a word to him.

Once again, Rudy's handsome face received a cold shoulder from Aarohi.


Hello my lovely readers .. so this was the second chapter of this book hope u like it . Pls drop your votes and and give some feedbacks to me ...

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