#28: he regret it

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With all the thoughts revolving in Rudra's mind, he reached the place where Myra was staying.

He knocked on the door. Myra opened it after he knocked 2-3 times.
She asked, "What are you doing here?" Rudra didn't answer immediately; he just entered and said, "Nothing, I just came here to meet you. Why didn't you pick up my calls?"
Myra replied, "I was sleeping." She added, "You just came to meet me at this time? It's almost 11 at night."

Rudra said, "You know, I met Aarohi and she frustrated me. That's why I wanted to meet you."

Myra sat beside Rudra and asked, "Why did you meet her?" Rudra replied, "No, it was nothing. We just met by mistake. But she said something that is still revolving in my mind." Myra hesitantly asked, "What did she say?"

Rudra said, "She was talking about when we were in kota, that last day we were there."

After hearing this, Myra looked nervous and said, "What about the last day, she left you? Because she never loved you, Rudra. That's the point." So stop meeting her . and Rudra said, "Yeah, I'm not going to meet her again, but..."

Myra asked, "But what?" Rudra  continued, "But, you know, she said something, and I don't remember anything about that."
Myra asked, "What? Just stop talking about her, okay? Do you want to eat something?"

But Rudra said, "No, I'm not hungry. Can I ask you something, Myra?" Myra said, "Yes," and Rudra asked, "You never lied to me, right? You are not hiding something from me?"
Myra replied, "Of course not, I'm not hiding anything. Why would I hide something from you?"

Then Rudra stood up and shouted, "Then why didn't you ever tell me that you met Aarohi that morning and she was coming from my building at that time? Why didn't you mention that?"

Myra looked very nervous and said, "Calm down, Rudra, I can explain. You know, you were so broken at that time. That's why I didn't want to make your wounds worse. I just didn't want to hurt you more, that's it."

Rudra shouted, "No, you lied to me! I know you never liked her, but at least you could have told me that she came to meet me that day and you met her in the morning. But you never mentioned it, you lied to me!"

Myra said, "No, no, listen to me.

Rudra said, "Tell me the whole story. What happened that day? Because I don't remember anything, just tell me on the truth."

Myra replied, "I don't know. I just met her in the morning; she was coming from your building, and when I asked her about you, she got so angry and left. I don't know why."

Rudra asked, "Then what?"

Myra continued, "Then I came to your room, and there was a girl you were sleeping with."

Rudra said, "So it's true, I slept with a girl that night." Myra said, "That's why I didn't want to tell you, because you would be hurt after knowing this."

Rudra asked, "Who was the girl? Was it Sanjana?"

Myra replied, "No, it wasn't Sanjana. Do you remember a boy who came to fight with you because he liked a girl who liked you?" Rudra said, "Yeah, we fought once because of that.

That girl, she was that girl."

Rudra said, "I never met that girl after that fight. How did she come to my flat, and how did we end up on my bed?" Myra said, "I don't know. After the party, I left, and Teju also left with Priya. I don't know what happened that night, but when I came in the morning, you were there with that girl on the bed."

Rudra sat down on the sofa, holding his head in his hands, upset and regretting, saying, "It was all my fault. Aarohi left me because of this, and I hated her for leaving, but she was right. She deserved better than me. How could I cheat on her? How could I do this?"

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