#3: attraction

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Aarohi's Pov:

Today, it's been one month since my classes started, & and today we are having our first practice test .
I woke up early and headed to the center. Upon arrival, I located my classroom using the roll number posted on the notice board and proceeded there directly. Arriving a bit early, I found myself with five minutes to spare before the exam. I stood outside the class.
While I was revising the formulas for the questions, Priya arrived. She's not only my friend but also partner in studies. We often assist each other when tackling difficult questions. Our study sessions frequently take place in the library. It's remarkable how we've become such good friends in just one month.

It was during this time that I noticed the that nerdy group as they approached for the exam. I couldn't discern whether their confidence stemmed from anticipating good marks or simply not caring about the outcome. They all were so care taking and joking around.
We proceeded to the classroom. We received our question papers for the exam. The exam duration was 3 hours and 20 minutes, commencing at 1:00 PM and concluding at 4:20 PM. Following the exam, Me and priya went to the canteen to have our lunch.
While we both were checking our answers ,
Priya told me that , that boy is looking at us continuously. When i saw them, again it was him , the member of nerdy group staring at us. I donno what's his problem behind his gaze.


The exam felt incredibly boring; sitting through 3 hours and 20 minutes was quite dull. I relied on my instinct to answer the questions somewhere i was using my tukka power. And it was same for Myra and Teju.
Once the exam concluded, Myra, Teju, and I rushed to the canteen, famished. There, I couldn't help but notice Arohi sitting with her friend and checking answers .
It seemed like she had all the answers correct, without a doubt.

As I glanced at her, I sensed that Arohi might have caught me looking, and when our eyes briefly met, i start looking in opposite direction.
It left me feeling somewhat self-conscious and awkward.

But why ??
Something like this never happened to me.

After having lunch , we were heading out . But before leaving i went to Aarohi's table and asked her , how's your test ??
She ignored me , again.

But her friend said it was good .
She told me her name, priya, and asked mine.
I'm Rudy , i said .

We were talking when Myra called me , are u coming or not??
Yes .. I'm coming.

Bye priya , bye aarohi ... i said to them .
I got reply from priya but again that girl , aarohi , give me a weird look.

What were u talking to them ?? Myra asked me
Nothing.... lets go ,i said .

In the evening, I was sleeping in my room when someone knocked on my door loudly. When I opened it, I found Myra standing there. She asked me why I hadn't been answering my phone, saying Teju had been trying to reach me for the past hour. Concerned, I iasked her, what was wrong and why she was in such a rush. Myra explained that Teju had called her, sounding distressed, asking to meet urgently. So, I quickly got ready, and we headed to our usual meeting spot.

Upon arrival, I noticed Teju sitting on a bench, & he was looking upset, staring at the sky. I asked him what happened. Teju revealed that his girlfriend had broken up with him. Without realizing the gravity of the situation, I laughed.
"Can't you see he's already upset? Why are you laughing?" Myra pointed me.
But actually i thought, breakups are common for me, almost a weekly occurrence, so I don't think that it as a big deal. It's hard for me to grasp why Teju was so distraught.
However, I understand people react differently. Myra, showing empathy, asked Teju for the reason behind the breakup. Teju explained that their long-distance relationship wasn't sustainable since his girlfriend lived in Chandigarh while he resided in Kota.
Myra subtly signaled me to cheer Teju up, so I proposed the idea of going out before the campus gates closed for the night. Teju said no but , we insisted and eventually convinced him. Once outside, we grabbed dinner and enjoyed some games at the gaming area, lifting Teju's spirits. We made sure to return to the campus before the gates closed.

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