Sold To A Heart Less Mafia @6

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So I can't risk my baby's life so I just focused on the road.

So at last they reached to their mansion.

*,. Timeskip., *

Now kookie and Tae both are cuddling each other. As they both were tired (not because wt u think) because as kookie got to complete some assignments so Tae helped him actually he is the only one completed that all assignments where as our little kookie was busy in drinking 🍌 🥛and playing video games.

So now kookie is totally asleep just then Tae pecked kookies cheek and slowly climbed off from the bed and placed a pillow for kookie to cuddle.

He headed towards his.. Sorry their wardrobe and he placed his thumb finger near his big mirror and immediately the mirror went into the wall and a door made up of metal came into the vision. He entered in and locked it and turned back and just like that his aura changed into dark and devilish with that iconic smirk on his lips of course.

He then again took a right turn and just at the corner there was another door but this was wooden door  and without wasting time he entered in  and he sat on a chair more like royal chair
But only if  the king was a whole devil then this chair will be owned by him.

The chair screams luxury but it was not made up of gold nor there were any precious stones in it... But.. But.. The chair was full of hard and heavy chains. It's just looks like the devil just visited that whole place. That place just crave for blood and tears even if it belongs to innocent taht place didn't care.. More like that man didn't care at all.

There was a table in front of his chair u can say like a round table there seated 5members dressed in whole black no doubt they all belong one world...... mafia world.....

Taeyung shook his hands with them and one of the men started saying something and one by one continued that conversation more over like meeting.

At last it came to an end and they all stood in their places when taehyung got up from his chair. He turned to door and went towards it, he unlocked the door and opened but just before he went out without even glancing towards them he said...
Tae:hope u all don't break my trust. If u guys failed in ur job then be ready.....

Men:believe us sir

And with that he left out. And went beside kookie and slept while cuddling him.

Like this kookie and Tae were started falling for each other but they just didn't show that to each other. One is cause of guilt for what he did in past and the other is just because of his shyness.

So our kookie was beconilg very bratty now a days with his best friends or more like best gang. Now they became the whole schools bullies. Yes and kookie also loved to becum Bratt so he has no problem but they only bully those who misbehave with any one at school or u can say only bad ones. They are like 'if u r bad, iam ur dad' type gang.

But one thing kooie didn't le tae know about his this behavior. Still now tae believe kookie as a innocent pup who is not at all in some times. But Today when kookie was in their class then,,,

In kookies class:

So today they had a math test and as usually kookie didn't prepared for it he was busy playing games last night witv his hyung wit whom he lied that there was not any test .

So he opened a slip cause he dont like to fail of course when he was a topper really he didn't even helped others in test but now he is regretting.
Si as he opened the slip one guy saw that and informed to lecturer and kookie got a punishment.
So now it's off to home time so all students were rushing to their homes just then kooie and his Gang was outside the boys washroom waiting for certain some one. When that boy came out kookie Called him more like whispered his name but just he can listen that not the students who were passing them..
And that's it they dragged him to a store room and beat himand they went back to their homes.

But next day his principle spotted kookie and called his guardian and now after the arrival of tae principle explained every thing and showed him the cc photage where kookie was dragging Jack by his collar.

After seeing that tae didnt utter a single word and just dragged kookie to his car by holding his wrist. Now kookie was scared as hell and he know the consequences. Tae clearly said that he should not get any complain from school but just after 4months first complaint came and that to kookie was at fault.

But he wonder when principle was complaining to his hyung. He didn't even said him to ask sorry to that jack guy but...

Just then his side car door opened and again that dragging Drama started but little kookie did he know that this dragging drama can lead to another Drama full of screams and moans.

Wait he is still 17(sorry guys till kookie is staying with tae from 5months so in that his birthday happened so now our kookie is not 16).

They eneterd hall and tae left his wrist which clearly show his finger print on it. Tae went and sat on the couch kookie still standing with his head hung low.. Just then tae said bringing him. Out of his thoughts..


he turned to kitchen and spotted a maid and said..
Tae:call all the maids and guards inside. Now

They came and he said...

'from today onward for more 1 week maids are in leave and the guards shouldn't step into mansion if it's any emergency then can call me u have to wait for at back door. OK'

All shouted 'yes sir'
Then all the maids left the mansion and also guards.

Now listen ur punishment baby boy😏



This words deffinetly sent shivers in his spine and now he is not innocent anymore cause he saw all po*n videos with his Jimin  hyung. Really he got very well se*education from his hyungs..



                  S T R I P

U  can hope a smut In next chapter. 😏😅😜

Finally my exams are completed today and now iam free. 😂😂😴

Just now I came from. My exam centre and busy in writing this

Aishh seriously 😅😅🙄

Please vote ND comment. Some people are just reading my book and iam. Happy for that but please vote for me so that I can also get some satisfaction for my work. I too expect appreciation from others for my work..

... 💮🌸🌼🌹🌹🌼🌸💮...

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